DIY Frozen Drink Machine

slush machine

Here’s something cool and refreshing just in time for the weekend and that wild Flag Day celebration you were planning. This is similar to the margarita machine that was circulating last month. They’re both based on garbage disposals. fixer’s design uses an external return pipe. It also uses a 4-gallon stock pot instead of the giant plastic drink cooler. I’m guessing this made attaching the garbage disposal a lot easier. Mentally you still have to overcome the fact that you’re drinking out of something that was originally intended to process waste, and a plastic drain pipe coming out of a chip board box isn’t going to make that any easier to stomach. He says it works great, but the lack of insulation probably means that it doesn’t stay frozen very long. It would be cool if I could turn that dewar we had back on the farm into one of these, wait

Hackaday Links


hey guys, hope all is well in this wicked heat! eliot did a very nice week in review and it should be checked out. also, thanks for everyone wishing me to get better with my teeth. i got them pulled out yesterday morning and 90% of the pain is gone already and i’m even able to eat french fries and stuff like that. i am still a bit out of it though so i’m giving you guys 5 awesome links that you should enjoy. tomorrow i should be back to normal enough and i’ll be working on the next howto. so thanks again for your concern eliot, jason, and all you readers out there. i really appreciate it.

make yourself a usb cigarette lighter! [joe]

barstool racing. forget boxcars, this is whats up. [prozack]

iChat on your television, if your monitor goes i suppose.

this is awesome! make your own fog machine!

NES controller now on usb! stylin! [brad604]

Thanks for bearing with the short links people, keep reading and next week be on the lookout for the CVS camcorder!

Continue reading “Hackaday Links”

This Week In Reverse

zayitz wallpaper


Hey folks this is Eliot. I know when I got my wisdom teeth pulled I didn’t want to do anything; So, I’m hoping Vince is going to take it easy today.

Things have gotten pretty heated in the comments recently and I wanted to address some of the things brought up. Just so you don’t get bored I’ve included all of the wallpapers that have been submitted so far. Click on the images to get the full size versions. The following isn’t going to be all bureaucratic drek.  I’ve included other interesting links that have appeared during the week. Here we go, starting at the end and working back towards the beginning.

Continue reading “This Week In Reverse”