DS Serial Interface

ds keyboard

natrium42, the original PassMe designer, has released a guide for building a serial interface on the Nintendo DS. It does require you to flash a new firmware on the Passme, but other than that it is just a matter of soldering wires to the RX and TX. He’s tested it with a keyboard, a bluetooth module, and a USB adapter. If you want to hook it to a computer you’ll need the level converter he suggests. There is a lot of potential here.

In other news: StoneCypher has offered a bounty for an open source TCP/IP implementation on the DS; it’s already broken $1100.

[thanks pete]

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Hackaday Lazy Afternoons

Lazy Afternoons

oh my gawd. i’m so beat.

why? because of you guys!!!

I’m almost out of buttons. We’ll re-order obviously, but today alone I got 80 SASEs in my little mailbox. I sent them all out of course and my tongue has lots of papercuts. It’s been so hectic. And it’s gonna get even nuttier. Know why? Defcon. It’s coming. I’ll be there about 11am on the 28th of July, a day before the event starts.

so here, bite into some links before i pass out and sleep for 50 hours.

a cute list of portable usb programs [xytec]
a death star home-theater subwoofer. hardcore!
these guys made an underwater robot. give em a hand [anuj]
save some fuel. yeah right…..well, i dunno. you try. [bandit]
Linux on your HP-PPC. Kind of cool? I happen to like Windows for PPC…. [raleigh]
Belkin Tuncast2 mod. Very nicely done I think. [brian]

nitro cool your pc like a monstrer truck jam. [gaarie]

you guys will be excited to know that from about july 28th to august 2nd, we’ll be having insane extensive coverage of defcon and vegas happenings. so expect anywhere from 5 to 500 posts a day. yes i am embellishing.

if you want merch though, get the SASEs out! quick!

Continue reading “Hackaday Lazy Afternoons”