[Joel] sent me a tip where I discovered this fun hack. It reminds me of the old pencil lead resistor trick. It looks like Ableton Live has been inspiring quite a few original controllers.
From the post: (Myspace doesn’t seem to have individual post linking)
“If you REALLY want to do this, the code is here. It is sloppily written in PASM for the Ubicom SX microcontroller running at 50Mhz addressing an ADC0808 (datasheet) 8 bit parallel ADC, because it’s the year 1993.”
First Post
Thats really cool… but it cant be good for the mag strip on his drivers license.
I wouldn’t do that with one of my current credit cards, but anything old or expired is ruinable. The drivers license risk may depend on where you live. I’ve never had mine in a mag stripe reader.
If only IL had Magnetic strips on Drivers Licenses. Would that be bad for the Magnetic strip though?
I’d assume he’s at low voltage and current, thus not enough heating to randomize the domains and not enough magnetic fields to zero the card.
Pencils use graphite not lead.
hey the post is from “Monday, January 15, 2007” it is below the picture of the girl with the weird face hardware. The video there is really interesting. Looks like fun.
If pencils were lead, it wouldn’t be all that great a resistor
Graphite in pencils is actually a resister. try it out yourself!
Wow. I use Reason, and just watching this makes me really want to do this myself. Anyway, I don’t know much about electronic schematics and whatnot, so if anyone would like to help me a bit, either by explaining how it’s assembled or maybe an even easier alternative (same concept), then please, send me an email:
aeron005 [atnospam] gmail.com
just because people use the words “pencil lead” does not mean that it is lead, “pencil lead” is in reference to graphite, and this is common knowledge. The only time you should state that “pencil lead” is not lead is when they complain about lead poisoning from when their friend poked them with a pencil.
now that i am done with that, i got lost about 5 words in, perhaps someone could post a how-to?
how much does it cost to make something like this?
and if i were to run a magnet over the strip an erase all the data, would it still make a sound????
I need help finding the source file with the diagrams
i folled the link and came up with nothing
Does anyone know how this works for guitars??? How could i do it??