Wireless Guitar Hero Controller

[John] sent in his PS3 wireless guitar hero project. The concept seems popular today. Hopefully he’ll write up some instructions – but it looks pretty straight forward – he embedded a normal PS3 controller inside the body of the guitar hero controller. For now you can gaze upon the high res version. Update: He passed along a couple more shots of the project. Update2: Here’s the instructables on building your own.

DTVii: C64 Wireless Tilt Accelerometer Joystick

[Doug] sent in his DTVii project. (It’s on earthlink, so here’s the coralcache) You can also find updates in his forum posts. He modded the ever popular DTV C64 with an expansion bay for this, keyboard input and future mods. Then he built a RF joystick complete with accelerometer joystick emulation mode.

You can hit the user demo video is after the break.

Continue reading “DTVii: C64 Wireless Tilt Accelerometer Joystick”

Solar Powered EL Window Light/shade

One of my weird google searches turned up this little project. Looks like the big images are broken on the site, but all the important files actually exist. [Doria] combined a window shade with solar power and EL cells to create one hacked window shade. It’ll charge up during the day and the EL cells that cover it can be activated day or night to give your room that extra funky glow.

We’re Giving Up

We’ve had it with all these dark hardware hacking conferences. We’re giving up on Hack-A-Day and becoming Craft-A-Day. From now on we’ll be featuring great content like the latest knitting needle mods, yarn spinning and scrap booking. It’s been a great ride, but from now on we’ll see you at Hobby Lobby.

Thanks for setting us straight, [Steve].