Looking for an interesting project to do using an Atmel Mega644? Students at Cornell University have got you covered. They were required to choose, design, and build a project using the microcontroller; and this year is quite promising with video object tracking, the always popular theremins, helicopters, Potentiostats, even Pavlovian conditioned mosquitoes, and more.
Of course all the previous years are included as well, making over 350 projects total.
[Thanks Bruce Land]
It seems like Cornell is teaching only AVR programming. That’s a little sad to see since there are so many other excellent products out there.
I love the Pavlovian Mosquitoes. I would love to be able to sick them on someone.
Woot woot, glad to see some Cornell on here
@M4CGYV3R IMO AVR has better price vs features and better inter chip compatibility they are engineers.. and understand the tradeoffs of course they will choose the AVR (better compiler better library and better compatibility) relative to PIC and AVR is cheaper than ARM
Though propeller and xcore would be interesting to see IMO…
That’s a really cool class! There’s a similar class taught at the University of Michigan (which I took!).
Check out their projects here:
I was incredibly disappointed with my own college’s senior ECE design projects this semester. The problem is everyone tries to shoot too high and create some crazy off-the-wall idea that is out of their reach, and then when their project ultimately fails to live up to expectations they call the result a “proof-of-concept” and forget about it.
What no Arduinos? (Someone had to say it.)