[Robb Godshaw] put together a pencil production line for home use. The whimsical assembly line starts with a graphite rod and extrudes clay polymer around it. From there it’s down a conveyor belt to get stamped and then into the oven made from a hacked toaster. The final step is to cut out a plug of eraser and attach it to the back-end of the pencil. This low-speed assembly line reminds us of a Rube Goldberg machine with all the wasteful steps cut out.
They look pre-chewed.
And a little charred, but fun anyway — good work!
I’m sure hipsters would pay good money for pre-chewed pencils.
that is the funniest happiest little machine n the world. I want my own happy pencil machine. Does it come with a happy soundtrack?
It’s a hell of a hack, and many hacks could called useless although I still like most of them, but this just seems way too pointless. My first thought was, “I hope this guy is independently wealthy, ’cause I’d hate to think this is what he does in his spare time after work.”
I feel so conflicted.
wow, thats fucking genius! Mad props for the time-lapse video of it in action. reminds me of a Gumby cartoon.
Rude Goldberk machine without the wasted steps? Oxymoron much?
It’s not ‘fully automated’ as the narrator states.
Wait a minute, is that tin foil holding that eraser to the pencil??
It looks cool (concep) kudos
Puts smile on my face.
That’s pretty damn cool. I wonder how well they write?
“a Rube Goldberg machine with all the wasteful steps cut out”
Oh, you mean a machine!
pinching pocket loads from Ikea is far less effort ; lol
@Wait a minute, is that tin foil holding that eraser to the pencil??
I think its aluminum tape? I wonder how good the tap holds, i know when i erase stuff i press pretty hard on my eraser.
I wonder how much after the initial build it costs to actually make 1 pencil, if it was cheap enough and i used pencils i’d definitely would build one.
Cute, but it’s less than useless, the erasers are just kinda sitting there with foil to look pretty, can’t actually use em.
The “Just for you” is cute tho.
I agree, this machine doesn’t have much of a point. However, if you look at the end result, it definitely has a point.
(coundn’t resist such a poor pun)
thats too awesome :)
That’s so cute! I want one of these too, great work! :)
I am skeptical as to whether it actually is automated, why the ribbon cable going into the toaster?
looks like a movie prop :/
the green pulley is made of clay. the paper towel roll conveyor belt is manually rolled up to make it move. As real as Bob the Builder.
After watching this, I feel somewhat satisfied. Brought a smile to my face.
what’s a pencil, i mean i use pen’s, when’s the last time anyone’s ever used a pencil, other than carpentry.
Thats not fully automated?? I always like to see toaster hacks though.
@brandon, draw a mildly complex schematic without making a single mistake
I know I cant so I use a pencil
Is this a joke?
That isn’t at all automated. The whole video is stop motion animation. Am I seriously the only person who noticed this?
And Ticonderoga isn’t an iconic phrase, it’s a brand. If you’re trying to make your own crappy pencils you might as well put your name on them.
Easier to steal them from work.
Uhh, the pencils are made of clay? How do you sharpen them?
and yeah, it’s totally non-automated, it’s a stop motion movie. Calling this an automated pencil maker is like saying that this is a video deomnstrating a new display device: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BpWM0FNPZSs
What is up with that accent? I have never met somebody who has one that isn’t geeky. I would be very interested in learning the cause.
You could almost say he *Puts on sunglasses* is a pencil pusher *YEAHHHH*
Hilariously awesome.
“That isn’t at all automated. The whole video is stop motion animation. Am I seriously the only person who noticed this?”
Yes, you are the only super genius among us plebs who managed to notice that. Please, continue to point out your incredible insights in the future.
I like. I guess Robb Godshaw is the next Rube Goldberg.
vast stationary conspiracy
You are all correct. it isn’t fully automated. I suppose i misspoke, it was late when i made the video. every step requires human interaction, but it is limited to pulling levers and cranking the green plastic gear. I did not have a video camera, hence the stop motion. The final cost of each pencil is about $150, which is very impractical. the rainbow ribbon cable does nothing. The clay pencil, once baked can be sharpened normally. the eraser holds on fine, and can be used like a regular pencil. Aluminum tape is quite strong.
Correction, $1.50 USD
I think you meant to say a Rube Goldberg machine with all the USEFUL steps taken out.