We spied this pretty LED clock this morning and were impressed with how cleanly it was constructed. It was built to mimic an analog clock, so you have the typical hour markings and a minute and hour hand. The minute hand stays in each position for roughly 2 to 3 minutes. The brains behind all those LEDs are a PIC 16f877 with a DS1307 realtime clock. Over all, [WellyBoot] soldered 169 LEDs into place, and did it in a nice clean fashion. We suspect that if we had done it, it would resemble a spaghetti pile. You can see the schematics and build pictures on his site, or watch a video of it in action after the break.
[via HackedGadgets]
Would this effect be achieved more easily by simply putting LEDs on the hands of an actual traditional clock and simply mounting the clock behind the front plate there? Don’t get me wrong, it’s an impressive hack, just sayin…
no that would be shit, the whole point is for it to look like there are hands, but there are not.
Umbrit, you nailed it. and Brit, just a tip, don’t ever apply for a techie job.
Brit, powering the LED’s would get a bit complicated, especially if you tried to repurpose an existing clock mechanism. They aren’t ordinarily made with rotating electrical connections to both hands.
Hackedgadgets, the original Hack a day.
A hubble galaxy background would go ForTheWin.
@localroger – in theory you could put several contact points on the board with positive voltages so each time the hands hit a contact point it lights up the LEDs on the hands by grounding out through the motor shaft.
But that’s just silly. ;-)
I agree. Better without real hands.
why is the secound hand so small?
I agree that overkill is awesome, but that much soldering make me :0
@biozz – Genetics?
UV light and fluorescent paint is easier than moving contacts, guys.
Multi colour LEDs would make this clock great!
Multi colour leds would double the wiring, the second hand is small because it moves every 2-3 seconds which just looked naff with a big hand, V2 of the clock has no second hand at all and i think it looks better
when is the v3 completed? i can’t wait to have a look on v3,and i would like to build one too.
Are u going to u publish the hex code? :D
U really did a great job on virtual clock.
V3 is now on youtube, search ‘led analogue clock’ or wellyb00t
Demo version (v2.2) & circuit diagrams, link published with video on youtube.
I built a six digit Nixie tube digital clock in high school. It buzzed with the high voltage and was probably a fire hazard but it was pretty cool. The year was 1975. It was expensive too. hundreds of dollars.