A small, cheap spectrum analyzer with an LCD can be a fun thing to play with. But to be truly usefully you need access to raw data, and lots of it. [Travis Goodspeed] set out to make that possible by pulling data with a GoodFET and a Python script.
He started with [Michael Ossmann’s] IM-ME spectrum analyzer, which uses a CC1110 chip. The two of them are giving a lecture at Toorcon 12 (called Real Men Carry Pink Pagers) and this will be used as a demonstration device. After studying the datasheet he found the starting RAM address and did some further work to deciphered how the data is stored in it. From there it was a matter of working out the timing for grabbing the data, and coding a method for storing it. Now he’s looking for brave souls to help him trailblaze with this newly-discovered tool. It seems that if you know what you are doing, and have abundant patience, you can use this for a bit of old-fashioned reverse engineering.
Nice work travis! wish i could make it to Toorcon 12
Spectrum analyzer, logic analyzer, terminal interface… and it IMs?? I think it’s safe to say that this thing might just be the next multi-purpose hacking tool of choice… even if it is pink. lol
I think this qualifies as a hack ;-)
has anybody got two IM-ME to talk to eachother? It be an interesting way to save money on SMS.
I checked the spec sheet for the usb dongle and the IM-ME, they both use the same embedded System on a chip, that includes an embedded data radio transmitter/receiver.
You can turn the IM-ME into a ‘walki-typyee’, and the dongle into a repeater… kinda like CB radio for text.