[John’s] latest build strikes a chord of nostalgia by realizing the Banana Jr. 6000. The whimsical hardware is the product of the Bloom County comic strip. It first appeared in 1984, the same year as the Macintosh. [John] used a Mac Plus as the case but completely revamped the insides. An 8″ touchscreen takes the place of the original cathode ray tube. There’s also a Mac Mini and a couple of speakers salvaged from other Macs. To get things looking just right he altered the case’s logo, painted it yellow, and even altered the Leopard operating system. Now when you boot up you’ll see a Banana and not a partly consumedĀ pomaceous fruit.
[Thanks Captain DaFt]
As one who fondly remembers both Bloom County and the birth of Macintosh, I give this three thumbs up!
Does anybody else want to fix the poorly-angled switch in the background?
Excellent! Most excellent!
Yes…yes I do.
This looked good- until I saw the insides. Would it really be that hard to make a custom AC cord that doesn’t take up half the space inside?
Besides that, exterior looks good.
I have to admit that I feel a mini ITX running Linux would have been a better solution. Of course making the legs work would have been cool as well.
Ack!… “Bill The Cat”!
Just like my ex girlfriend…
Great on the outside, hideous on the inside.
@ian i would wanna fix it but then i stop and think its prolly the rest of reality thats outta whack.
@mjrippe eww… freeeak! lol jk
@banana jr. too bad its not a real product cuz youtube has a theme song ready for ya.
Hey look at the light dimmer on the wall… It is not level. ;)
that’s awesome. i’m glad some other people remember bloom county.
I want that keyboard.
A friend of mine built one of these years ago: http://www.hifihamster.com/
Opus would be proud.
the Banana Jr. lives! it’s beautiful, straight from Oliver Wendell Jones’s desk and ready to trash-talk any other computer out there. i always wanted my Mac SE to walk around like that…
and whomever suggested that it’d be “better” with a mini-ITX running Linux clearly doesn’t get it.