With more pixels and more objects to track you’re going to need to get that AVR running pretty fast to get the job done. But [Vladutz2000] figured why stop at 16 MHz when you can overclock an ATmega32 to 27 MHz for a faster gaming experience?
This build may not be as colorful as Super Pixel Bros, but choosing a KS0108 graphic LCD certainly brings a lot more definition to the images. You can see in the video after the break that the AVR does an excellent job of generating and animating multiple objects. It doesn’t take much to put this together yourself but if you want the board layout done for you, you’re out of luck. The hardware for the project is installed on a PCB that was hand-drawn with an etch resist marker.
[via Dangerous Prototypes]
“Look mum, no arduino!”
This is a cool project. As for pcb – everyone should be able to make such simple board themselves, software was the hardest thing here.
I run 16f84 4mhz pic on 38Mhz, 3 out of 5 pics run stable to 41Mhz.
Anyone else like to check their uC limits ?
72MHz STM32 can hit 100MHz
pfft. I OC’d my atmega8 (liquid cooled of course)to 3.2 GHz via the clock from a old Cedar Mill Pentium 4 I had in the closet.
Had to use a Cedar Mill b/c I’m Amish and all. Technicalities…
my C64 is running at 0ver 9000 MFLOPS, on LN2, but i guess this is just about ATMegaz..
My STM32 runs stable at 128mhz, at 136mhz some peripherals tend to become unstable… :P
i want at least 2 bit color depth
otherwise no gameboy feeling
You people and your MHz, my C64 ran at 985kHz and we where happy! :-p
Thanks, Phil.
I’m sure lots of people did lots of cool stuff with other completely unrelated hardware as well.
Good eye.
attiny13 @ 38 MHz: I think it wins the price for most useless overclock award. Though I can now blink a LED really fast :D
Great project, thanks for sharing!