Google ADK On An EvalBot


After learning that Google’s ADK relied on using an Arduino-compatible board, [Benjamin] was disappointed that other microcontroller platforms weren’t invited to the party. Rather than switch camps, he took it upon himself to get the ADK working with his EvalBot. In fact, his modifications should allow the ADK to work with nearly any Stellaris ARM kit.

The hack is composed of two parts. The first, and most important bit is the USB host driver he developed to work with the ADK. The code borrows some bits from Texas Instruments, and will be published on GitHub once he gets a chance to clean up the source a bit. To get his phone working with the EvalBot, he also had tweak the external USB power supply in order to provide the current required to operate properly with other USB-connected hardware.

It’s always nice to have more options when working with Google’s ADK, and [Benjamin’s] work is likely a welcome addition to any Stellaris developers toolkit.

Continue reading to see a quick video of his EvalBot ADK demo.


11 thoughts on “Google ADK On An EvalBot

      1. Hi,

        Do you know in which kernel file there’s the power manager ?
        I have tested with adb shell as root:
        setprop persist.sys.charging.disable 1
        But even with that the EvalBot do not want to see the NexusS as same as default setprop persist.sys.charging.disable 0

        Best Regards

  1. TI’s stellarisware license is very limiting! They have a really great product and a great driver lib to go with it. But they say you cannot use it as part of a larger “viral open source”. I have been outspoken about it. Some added voices might help. Check out the forum links.



    1. Seems to me you should be complaining to FSF. The GPL type license says that all sources *linked* with GPL code becomes GPLed which means that it breaks the StellarisWare license (which is to be used on TI processors, otherwise is open/free). For hosted apps (e.g. Linux or Windows), this is not a problem since you can use DLLs. But, there are no DLLs on deeply embedded apps.

  2. Actually folks, that’s not quite correct. The ADK was first tested with an appropriately updated Arduino. But it will work with that thing from Microchip, and especially with the VNC2 development board from FTDI. In fact I have one here.

    Everything is chronicled on the website and it came up on or about the middle of May. About the time the Maker Faire cycle got spun up.

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