This is [James’] latest android build, a set of legs that use gyroscopes for balance.
He started off by planning the build with some LEGO pieces to get an idea of how each foot and leg joint would fit together. This let him achieve one of his goals. From the start he wanted to create a robot that would remain stable, and not build up enough momentum to tip itself over if there is a problem. With the dimensions established he cut out parts from 2mm sheets of HIP plastic using a hobby knife. They work in conjunction with a frame made from aluminum and HDPE. The whole thing houses eight servos responsible for movement, but he found an interesting way to use them for balance as well.
[James] came across some gyroscopic sensors which are made for use with RC helicopters. They connect in-line with a servo motor and offset it based on the gyro data. He’s using four of them with this bot, playing the hip and ankle servos against each other for balance. What results is a set of legs that look like their jonesin’ for a fix. See for yourself in the clip after the break.
you can teach a robot to walk, but can you teach it… to love?
…imagine that- a robot doing the pee-pee dance.
also- “…look like their jonesin…” -> they’re
“I have no bladder and I must piss!” (Great now Harlan Ellison is going to sue me!)
Looks like positive feedback to me – I think he forgot the damping part of the equation…or it has to go to the bathroom really badly.
It’s intentional, for stability testing. “The gyros can be set so that they are sensitive enough that the android naturally oscillates, all the time trying to remain upright.”
nice, looks like it walks by actively unbalancing itself, improvement over stiff asimo walk
I totally thought this was going to be some software for the Android platform called “legs”. Boy do I feel like a fool.
looks cool , wish there were a muscle like motors.
Great concept. With a little rubber padding under the “feet” it will do a great job.