Now make it life size
Here’s a scale model of the classic Playstation game Wipeout. It uses quantum levitation, superconductors, liquid nitrogen, and incredibly detailed models of the cars in Wipeout. They’re able control the speed and direction of the cars electronically. Somebody get on making one of these I can drive. Never mind, it’s totally fake, but here’s a choo-choo that does the same thing. Thanks for the link, [Ben].
Found a use for eight copies of Deep Impact
Where do you keep all your wire? [Paul] keeps his inside VHS tapes. It’s one of the most efficient ways of storing wire we’ve seen, just don’t touch those VHS copies of the original Star Wars trilogy.
There’s MAME machines for pinball?
MAME arcade machines are old hat, but we’ve never seen something to emulate pinball. The build uses two LCD monitors, a small computer and PinMAME. There’s videos in the build log; tell us if we’re stupid for wanting to build one. Thanks go to [Adrian] for sending this one in.
LEGO binary to decimal conversion
[Carl] is doing a few experiments to see if it’s possible to build a calculating machine out of LEGO. He managed to convert four bits of binary into decimal. We’ve seen a LEGO Antikythera mechanism but nothing on the order of an Analytical Engine or some Diamond Age rod logic. Keep it up, [Carl].
Lubs and Dubs that aren’t for dubstep
The folks at Toymaker Television posted a neat demo of heart rhythms emulated with a microprocessor. It cycles through normal sinus rhythm, atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter, and everything else that can go wrong with your heart. We know some nurses that would have loved this in school.
I just want to check that people realise the Wipeout video is not only CGI, but an advert.
the wipeout video is super fakey
think the quantum levitation video is a viral video for a new wipeout game.
filed under TG2BT
Quantum Levitation is possible, just not actually used in this vid haha
For a real version of the Wipeout video, see this model train:
Thank you for sharing this. I had been looking for a way to explain quantum levitation to people in plain language enough that they don’t immediately get glazed over. This video is a great example of that.
WoW I still remember the day Wipeout came out :) – classic…
The Pinball MAME is amazing, and the heart rhythm machine should haave a random setting, make it sort of a guessing game for med/nursing students.
so the pinball cabinet is a nice looking build, but what about this from ’09?
Videotape wire dispensers, simple, elegant recycling, if I didn’t buy wire in spools of 100m I’d certainly be re-purposing some old tapes.
That wipeout video looks quite cool even with it being fake, it does make me wonder if it’s possible to do for real with a cushion of air, like the classic air hockey game. But I suspect it may be too difficult to pull off as the wipeout track is curved but the air hockey game only works well because it’s a flat surface.
The thing with the superconductor levitation is it ISN’T frictionless, at least not in an atmosphere.
Generally, it’s likely that the air resistance won’t overcome the momentum before the liquid nitrogen runs out.
Besides, I’d rather see a great game of Megarace than Wipeout. :p
could some one cite a source on this wipe out video being fake
the physics especially the way the models are coupled to each other is quite realistic
What about this video looks fake ?
Citation please.
your Wikipedia link is to the J.A.I.S.T. this video plays on that real institutions name missing the ADVANCED however…just j.i.s.t.
Shall I start with the fact that they’re ‘filling’ the cars with ‘liquid nitrogen’ using a device meant for filling airsoft grenades with CO2, and that last I checked liquid nitrogen doesn’t come in single-use 12 gram powerlets?
There’s also the fact that the vapor trails PASS THROUGH the track at several points in the video. (The idea that they have enough lighting for the track to produce those soft diffused shadows is also suspect.)
It’s some nice video though, they put a bit of effort into it. But while the underlying levitation physics are real, what they are demonstrating is not.
yeah after Techartisan replied to me I went and looked closer and saw that it was a viral marketing ad. As for the liquid N2O this is supposed to be a Japanese R&D lab who knows what they might have hacked together they are supposed to have built a quantum levitating wipe out track after all.
Everything Bakamoichigei said, plus:
Handling “liquid nitrogen” with chemical spill gloves rather than cryo gloves? Really?
Markings and overall proportions of physical models in close-up don’t match CG models on track (e.g. vanishing ‘X’ on yellow vehicle.)
Sony Entertainment/SCE Studio Liverpool copyright in video description.
You know what?
The day glasses free high definition monitors are available (OLED preferably) you would not be able to telle the difference between this and a real flipper…
oh come on, Deep Impact was waaaay better than Armageddon at least. :}
lego computation, no problem
Regarding the MAME Pinball, I was wondering to myself not too long ago if something like that had ever been done. Then, today, I come on here catching up with the stories, and there it is!
So, no, I don’t think you’re stupid for wanting to build one :-)