Workout Timer Has Its Own Fight Bell

This workout timer turned out great. We think [Douglas] managed to end up with a professional look and a full range of features even though he was doing a lot of learning along the way.

He wanted a clock that was capable of counting up or down to time different segments of his workout. In order to be really useful it needed to have a remote control and a way to signal when time had run out. He grabbed an Arduino and started prototyping with an LED marquee at first, but after adding a second Arduino to deal with the display scanning issues he finally switched over to these LED segment displays.

The timer includes an IR receiver so that it can be controlled with a handheld remote. The large red bell to the side has a heck of a ding and is used to signal the start and end of timing. Perhaps the driver for that bell could be incorporated into the home automation project from Wednesday. Once the hardware decisions were finalized [Douglas] set out to build an enclosure that he could be proud of (mission accomplished!). Don’t miss the video after the break where he walks through all various aspects of the user interface.[youtube=]

4 thoughts on “Workout Timer Has Its Own Fight Bell

  1. Does it work or blend ;)

    Of course it works (grin) … it’s been at xfit Gordon’s shop for near a month now with almost zero problems. There is some little glitch when we pause/restart during an interval set (no start bell) but other than that everything works great.

    So far so good and thanks for the feedback!

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