Every now and again we take a break from looking at all of your awesome projects and get to work on our own. I thought I’d take a minute to show off my game of Snake. It’s a classic that I remember playing on a graphing calculator (TI-83) back in high school. I had never written my own version and decided it would be a good reason to spend some more time on the ARM platform.
The dev board I’m using is the STM32 F0 Discovery board. Once I had a usable template for compiling the code on a Linux box everything else just started to fall into place. The screen is from a Nokia 3595. Several years back I cut off the keypad and made a breakout board for it. It’s pretty dim but it’s small and uses SPI so it tends to be my go-to display for prototyping. But I did get my hands on an SSD1289 TFT screen (after writing about this project) for about $16 and I’ve had some success with that. It uses a parallel interface so it’s not as easy to hook up and I’ve had some crosstalk issues when running at 24 MHz.
But I digress. Check out the demo video of my simple game after the break. There are more details about my programming choices at post link above. You will see this hardware again soon. I’m working on an On Chip Debugging primer and these ARM dev boards are perfect for it!
Lol, guys, you’r aware that “classic game of snake” most of the times probably ran inside an arm core inside those nokias?
True, but it didn’t run close to the metal, it ran on top of an operating system.
Looking forward to the Primer.
I was lucky to snag the board too, had some success with the posted template. Still ramping up on openocd/toolchain details.
I’m glad to hear there’s some interest. It’s surprisingly simple, although the support for the F0 chips is still not 100% there (easy enough to work around though).
Hopefully I’ll get this finished for next week.