Hackaday Links: September 29, 2013


We would be remiss if we didn’t mention that all of SparkFun’s open source hardware is now on Upverter.

Not wanting to tie up an iPad as a mini-gaming cabinet [Hartmut] hacked an Arcadi cabinet to use EUzebox instead.

Time travel happens in the bedroom as well. But only if you have your very own Tardis entrance.  [AlmostUseful] pulled this off with just a bit of word trim and a very nice paint job. [via Reddit]

[Pierre] tricks an iPhone fingerprint scanner by making a replica out of hot glue.

Some of the guys from our parent company were over in Shanghai on business. [Aleksandar Bradic] made time to visit the Shanghai hackerspace while in town and wrote about the experience over on their engineering blog.

[Gregory Charvat] is a busy guy. In fact we’ve got a juicy hack of his saved up that we still need to wrap our minds around before featuring. In the mean time check out the Intern-built coffee can radar that he took over and tested on a  multi-million dollar Spherical Near Field Range.

And finally, everyone loves coffee hacks, right? Here’s what [Manos] calls a Greek style instant coffee machine.

9 thoughts on “Hackaday Links: September 29, 2013

  1. And yes… fingerprints are more easier to be copied than smartcards and similar tokens using strong cryptography. Fingerprints are like passwords – easy to reproduce once you’ve seen it. Except that you don’t print your passwords on every glass in restaurant, etc… :-)

    1. Not to mention on the phone its self that it is trying to keep you out of. I always have a little laugh when i see all the articles about how secure the finger print scanner makes the iPhone

      1. I heard the other day on the radio that it was really secure because it needed a living finger to work. And I tought, yeah right, you could just put a thin copy on top of your finger. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a nice feature to have, I have it on my Atrix, it keeps your friends from unlocking your phone, but if you really want to be safe, encrypt the whole phone with aes256 and use some anti-theft software with data erasing. Nowdays the things that seem the most secure to most people, are really the most insecure (rfid, fingerprint, all kinds of keylocks, etc)

  2. Typo – “word trim”. Although in combination with “time travel happens in the bedroom as well”, it certainly intrigued me into clicking the link to see what the heck was going on. :)

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