Halloween may have come and gone, but [Luis] sent us this build that you’ll want to check out. An avid Walking Dead fan, he put in some serious effort to an otherwise simple bloody t-shirt and created this see-through “stomach shot” gunshot wound.
The project uses a Raspi running the Pi Camera script to feed video from a webcam on the back of his costume to a 7″ screen on the front. [Luis] attached the screen to a GoPro chest harness—they look a bit like suspenders—to keep it centered, then built up a layer of latex around the display to hide the hard edges and make it more wound-like. Power comes from a 7.4V hobby Lipo battery plugged into a 5V voltage converter.
After ripping a small hole in the back of his t-shirt for the webcam and a large hole in the front for the screen, [Luis] applied the necessary liberal amount of fake blood to finish this clever shotgun blast effect.
Maybe it’s just me but this costume doesn’t work for me. I saw a version of it in person and unless you’re looking at it at exactly the right angle, it just looks like a zombie with an iPad strapped to their chest.
This guy was hungry… he just ate a raspberry!
What a funny hack! Mainly to amuse the children and teach them what they can do with electronics.
That has to be the grossest teletubby ever!
I’ve done something similar duct taping an old phone behind a hole ripped into the heart area of a T-shirt with a looping CGI GIF of a beating heart playing.
It’s a pretty novel low effort costume that only costs an old tshirt (assuming you have a phone or portable media player lying about in a case you don’t mind duct taping).
Didn’t Ben Heck do something similar a few years back?
Him or someone else, yes. I’ve seen this come up many times.
before this, it was the Portal Costume a few years back. IIRC it was all rigged up in a cardboard and duct tape harness.
Because it got shot in the stomach? Not sure if zombie joke.
An aftermarket vehicle backup camera would be simpler.
Actually a really cool idea. Use the backup cam and since it gives a fisheye, throw a glass bowl over the ‘wound’ to give it a dome shape and fill the bottom with some blood. Tinted red silicone with floating guts for example would not spill.
This has the side-effect of improving the view angle issue [Ben] posts above.
great tshirt idea, now i know how my next shirt will look :D