50 Winners Using Freescale Parts

For the last few weeks we’ve been celebrating builds that use parts from our manufacturer sponsors of the 2015 Hackaday Prize. Today we are happy to announce 50 winners who used Freescale parts in their builds. Making the cut is one thing, but rising to the top is another. These builds show off some amazing work from those who entered them. In addition to the prizes which we’ll be sending out, we’d like these projects to receive the recognition they deserve. Please take the time to click through to the projects, explore what has been accomplished, and leave congratulations a comment on the project page.

Still Time to Win!

We’re far from the end of the line. We’ll be giving roughly $17,000 more in prizes before the entry round closes in the middle of August. Enter your build now for a chance in these weekly contests! This week we’re looking for things that move in our Wings, Wheels, and Propellers Contest.

One voter will win $1000 from the Hackaday Store this week as well! Anyone is welcome to vote in Astronaut or Not.  The drawing is this afternoon, Vote Now!

Congratulations to all fo the winners listed here. You will find information about redeeming their prizes as a private message on your Hackaday.io profile.

Winners of Moosimeters

Winners of DS Logic Analyzers

Winners of Stickvise

Winners of Bluefruit LE Sniffers

Winners of Cordwood Puzzles

Winners of TV-B-Gone

The 2015 Hackaday Prize is sponsored by:

12 thoughts on “50 Winners Using Freescale Parts

  1. Thanks Hackaday and FreeScale for the awesome prize, a logic analyzer is something a really need, I hope to use it a lot this month as I write all the software for HydroPWNics! THanks again!!

  2. Really going to get some good use out of the Mooshimeter. Thanks HAD and Freescale! This is also my first branch away from Atmel.

    If anyone from Freescale is reading: this changeover hasn’t been easy mosty due to the lack of an affordable ARM programmer. I bought my Atmel ICE for about $100 and can program firmware from their IDE. In order to use the Freescale parts, I’ve had to hack a Freedom board and find a bootloader that works with the V-series Kinetis and KDS (which only builds debug code).

    I’ve powered through it and it -mostly- works for me now, but getting set up to even make a blinking LED was a huge barrier to entry.

    That said, I love the processor expert feature of KDS, once I’ve figured out what’s needed for configuration and what’s not (GPIO, PORT, and other peripherals all working together, or not, when needed).

    Thanks for supporting my “DIY Electric Vehicle from Recycled Parts” project!

    1. Hi Mauswerkz,

      I am an intern at Freescale and just saw your comment so I will try to address some of the points you made as no one seems to have gotten to you yet. Usually the fastest way to get an answer is through the community (https://community.freescale.com), but it’s great that you posted here too.

      My first question is which Kinetis-V platform did you use? I haven’t had a chance to use this part yet, but I am assuming you are on one of TWR-KV31F120M (Cortex-M4) or TWR-KV10Z32 (Cortex-M0+) as they are the only two not in preproduction. I checked your page but didn’t find a mention of specific hardware.

      Both of these boards implement an OpenSDA (Serial-Debug-Adapter) circuit which is supposed to provide a very flexible way to program and debug the the target MCU, so I would be interested to know if you came across some issues with that in which case the Quick Start Guides should be updated. I don’t often require a dedicated debugger for an OpenSDA board as I typically use the Segger J-Link firmware as the “Application” running on OpenSDA. It looks like the TWR quick start docs are suggesting PE Micro which can also be used to do your debugging and serial port over the same USB.

      As far as the tools like processor expert and KDS, I agree that it can be a bit more of a time investment than I would sometimes like to get things setup, but I find that once you do, it is well, well worth it. Also, if you don’t want to look at code generated by a robot keep in mind there’s the Kinetis SDK which is provides an abstraction for every peripheral on the chip, with an API that allows you to maintain low level control without having to look at the reference manual.

      About “KDS only builds debug code” I just realized one of my current projects also didn’t have a release option! You can enable release builds by going to Properties > C/C++ Build > Environment and “Manage Configurations”. If you create a new Release configuration from scratch you will have to replicate all the settings. I’d copy your debug config while renaming it “Release” and then change the optimization to suit your needs (size or speed) through the C/C++ Build > Settings > Optimization menu.

      Thanks for the comment and amazing project by the way!

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