We have our featured speakers lined up for the Hackaday Supercon, one of which is [Fran Blanche]. We’ve seen a lot of her work, from playing with pocket watches to not having the funding to build an Apollo Guidance Computer DSKY. In her spare time, she builds guitar pedals, and there’s a biopic of her in She Shreds magazine.
Halloween is coming, and that means dressing children up as pirates, fairies, characters from the latest Marvel and Disney movies, and electrolytic capacitors.
There’s a new movie on [Steve Jobs]. It’s called the Jobs S. It’s a major upgrade of the previous release, featuring a faster processor and more retinas. One more thing. Someone is trying to cash in on [Woz]’s work. This time it’s an auction for a complete Apple I that’s expected to go for $770,000 USD.
Hackaday community member [John McLear] is giving away the factory seconds of his original NFC ring (think jewelry). These still work but failed QA for small reasons and will be fun to hack around on. You pay shipping which starts at £60 for 50 rings. We’ve grabbed enough of them to include in the goody bags for the Hackaday Superconference. If you have an event coming up, getting everyone hacking on NFC is an interesting activity. If you don’t want 50+, [John] is also in the middle of a Kickstarter for an improved version.
Your 3D printed parts will rarely come out perfectly. There will always be some strings or scars from removing them from the bed. There’s a solution to these problems: use a hot air gun.
Everyone has a plumbus in their home, but how do they do it? First, they take the dinglebop, and smooth it out with a bunch of schleem. The schleem is then repurposed for later batches.
That’s sweet, I always wondered how they made plumbuses
“oops, bumped a plumbus. the plumbus has moved.”
Good job on that Steve Jobs joke. Lol.
Man, I should keep up with the news more. I didn’t realized they’d legalized recreational pot in California.
Teapo or Panasonic. = Trick or Treat.
I suppose that some brown cake icing oozing out of the split top would make it clearer. Oh what’s that smell (food item) that they smell like too?
Rotting fish usually.
no fleeb juice = not a real plumbus
Great interview with Fran! Glad to hear that Frantone is coming back.
Thank you for this post, Brian. I have been staring at this updated 1970 mood ring since I got back from Supercon trying to figure out what it was. I finally googled Supercon ring to get here.
I guess I should have put it on and picked up my phone, because as soon as I did that it connected to the NFC ring site.
It looks much nicer than the little white patches stuck to my desk and car that now tell my phone what to do.