GoPro cameras are getting pretty sophisticated, but they can’t yet read minds: you have to tell them when to start recording. Fortunately, they can be remote controlled very easily over a WiFi connection, and this neat tutorial from [euerdesign] shows how you can use an ESP8266 to build a very cheap GoPro remote. The idea is simple: you press a button connected to the ESP8266, which is programmed with the details of the ad hoc WiFi network that the GoPro creates. It then posts a simple URL request to the GoPro, which starts recording. Total cost? A few bucks for the ESP8266, a button and a few bits of wire.
What the remote does is defined by the URL you set it to request: pretty much all of the features of a GoPro can be controlled this way. If you wanted to get fancy, you could expand this to create a multiple button remote that could do other things, such as change frame rate or start streaming to the interwebs in a situation where you don’t want to risk a smartphone or something equally expensive.
I did this with the AT firmware when the esp first came out. It is pretty nifty. However my AT commands were not always being sent correctly, so I had issues.
There’s an app for that…
GoPro App by GoPro, Inc.
Point……………………………………………………………………………………………..>Where you hit.
So.. did you actually read the article?
+1 :-)
um……….. this might not be your kind of site
this is pretty cool, power it with a couple of coin cells and now you have a gopro remote you can build into your glove.
I’m impressed at how good these devices are at low power. I have one sending temperature every 15 minutes to a server and it’s ran for 5 months now on a pair of AA batteries.
Except that powering ESP8266 with coin cells is easier said than done. The internal resistance of most coin cells is too large, and if you add a big cap you lose the size advantage. LiFePO4 works fine, though, even without a regulator.
not really, I am already powering some with two CR2025 batteries and that project ran for 8 days with two coin cells wired in parallel.
Nothing special at all needed to make it work.
“in a situation where you don’t want to risk a smartphone or something equally expensive”
Like it says, if you DON’T want to use a phone…….
I could see this being of use in a rally car, where you want to stop and start the camera for reach stage, and want something within easy reach of the driver or codriver.
Here is the new Video with the Prototype:
and here is the new HowTo with the updated code:
Can this be done with an Amazon Dash?
can you please explain this part : “…which is programmed with the details of the ad hoc WiFi network that the GoPro creates. It then posts a simple URL request to the GoPro, which starts recording…”
What kind of URL creates GoPro?How do I access? I do not understand what kind of message do I have to send to the GoPro and how can I do it?
I am really interesting, I would like to make one but with more funcionalities, it is only this central part of my proyect which fails…
If the information is in other part of the blog, please send me to the correct site.
Thank you in advance. I wait for your answers
does it work with gopro3 +