Toa Mata Lego Band Actually Rocks

[Opificio Sonico] has been at the Lego-based robot music making business for a while now, and it shows. He’s released four videos on YouTube (all inlined below) and each shows a definite evolution of his style and the Lego ‘bots technical range.

Episode 4, a cover of Daft Punk’s “Alive”, is clearly the most polished. A sliding platform goes enables a Lego “Toa Mata” figure to play the melody on some kind of iDevice (?). The ‘bot playing the DS to hit its one note repeatedly with the stylus, and has an easier job thanks to Daft Punk’s compositional “efficiency”. Episode 3, Depeche Mode’s “Everything Counts” is fantastic, partly because he’s using piezo-miced junk as percussion (as did DM themselves) and partly because of the sliding stylophone. But watch them all.

There’s some serious production work going on here in addition to the obvious nerdery. Oh yeah, and there’s an Arduino buried in there somewhere doing the MIDI-to-Lego conversion. Toa Mata Band is nowhere near as metal as Compressorhead, but pound for pound, we’d give them the advantage.

Thanks [Johnyy] for the tip! How have we never covered these plastic guys before?

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