Multi Sensor Security Camera Has You Covered

Security in the home — especially a new home — is a primary concern for many. There are many options for security systems on the market, but for those will the skills, taking matters into your own hands can add peace of mind when protected by a system of one’s own design. [Armagan C.] has created  their near-ideal multi-sensor security module to keep a watchful eye out for would-be burglars.

Upgrading from their previous Arduino + Ethernet camera — which loved to trigger false alarms — [Armagan] opted for a used Raspberry Pi model B+ camera module and WiFi connection this time around. They also upgraded the unit with a thermal sensor, LPG & CO2 gas sensor, and a motion tracking alarm. [Armagan] has also set up a live streaming  feature that records video in 1hr segments — deleting them daily — and circumvented an issue with file descriptor leak by using a crashed drone’s flight controller to route the sensor data via serial port. It is also proving superior to conventional alarms because the custom software negates the need to disarm security zones during midnight trips to the washroom.

Admitting the thermal sensor doesn’t work very well at present, it might be replaced if a Doppler radar can be acquired on the cheap. More details on the project can be found here. This is primarily an indoor security camera option, so you’ll still need an outdoor camera to really tighten up your home’s defenses.

[Thanks for the tip Armagan!]

14 thoughts on “Multi Sensor Security Camera Has You Covered

    1. There are cases where CO2 detection can be useful. Dangerous CO2 levels are less likely than CO but there have been cases of people dying in old cellars due to large levels of CO2

      1. Maybe so, but CO2 isn’t the silent killer that CO is. High CO2 concentrations make you uncomfortable enough to know something is wrong with the air and get you moving – CO just puts you quietly to sleep before you notice anything is wrong.

  1. Good someone finally did one of these things So many toilet windows are level with my eyes and people place these auto sprayers front on, I’ve looked up and be fragranced in the Eyes and yawned and fragranced on the Tongue.

    I really hate the timer spray things

    1. And that’s even ignoring the fact that there are a lot of people in the world that are allergic to some fragrances and being constantly bombarded by them makes life miserable. My employer bans fragrances either on employees or used in their facilities. Not that very many of our employees actually follow the rule….

  2. @abb – I was thinking the same thing with CO2 sensor. I thought he was talking about some new personnel exhalation detector. Then I realized he meant CO (carbon monoxide) detector.

    However, this brings to mind the old G.E. SNOOPY Personnel Detector in Vietnam War. It detected the ammonia hydroxide coming from latent urine smell from your clothing and sweat from behind your knee and elbows. The enemy did not shower much. It was originally invented during WW2 to detect U-Boats using the Walther Snorkel to stay submerged with diesel engines. The SNOOPY was good at detecting all sorts of effluents including diesel fumes.

    However, if this device was interfaced with a Arduino and a muffin fan with a long air-director PVC tube, one could make a personnel detector for home security. It costs $31 USD.

    FALSE ALARMS: You have to be sure to not use ammonia based floor cleaners, put pet’s litter box far away, don’t expose it to the car garage as it’s good at detecting any type of smoke, don’t aim it at the bathroom or keep the bathroom doors shut. This gadget should sense any human (or monkey) entering your home or protected space when no humans (or monkeys) are expected to be there. It’s also good for searching for humans dead or alive in a cave system or avalanche. You just need to mount it to a helicopter or quadcopter drone as it tends to detect the operator carrying it on the ground.

  3. The only sensor you need to build into security camera’s is a cell-phone IEMI sniffer. In fact, just an IEMI sniffer by itself would be an excellent way to detect *and identify* tresspassers and thieves who should not be in a given area. Because everyone carries a cell phone these days, even criminals. Photographing or getting video’s of people at the scene of a break in, theft or property damage is one thing, but to also get legally-credible identification information is another.

      1. well, certainly it would be easier.And it would work well as long as you can guarantee the perp in question is using wifi. A phone always uses cell signals. Unless its turned off or in airplane mode.

        I’d personally want video, CO, temp(for detecting excessive heat, indicating fire), and maybe an IR motion sensor to trigger motion capture. The LPG sensor cold be included as well, if you have devices that run on LPG. False positives are always going to be a concern that must simply be dealt with.

  4. Was thinking those CO sensors are not working well after you “test” them using lighters? BTW that comment around burglars wearing cellphones… I don’t think the smart ones do so that’s not gonna be 100% fail-safe.

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