An Eggcelent Eggspriment

After multiple iterations [Keef] has nailed down the fabrication process for an unusual component. Using only a heater water bath, some silicone and easily available reagents, [Keef] demonstrate how he manufactures a gastronomic enigma: the long egg.

The similarities between [Keef’s] process and the typical hacker iteration cycle are eggceptional. He starts out with a goal and iterates, modifying his methods until he gets the perfect long egg. Sound familiar? Cooking can be as much of a science as it is an art.

In his quest, [Keef] utilizes sausage casing, plastic bags, sticky tape, “lots of sweat and almost some tears” to hold eggs for cooking via an Anova Precision Cooker immersion circulator. However, [Keef] notes, the Anova is normally used for sous vide cooking so you might not have one sitting around. In that case, you can use a regular pan on a stovetop along with a digital thermometer, but you’ll have to be quite vigilant to keep the temperature steady.

But wait. Why would one want a long egg in the first place? I’ll leave this explanation to [Keef]. “Well, the main use is in a Gala Pie (a long pork pie baked in a loaf tin and often cut into slices for picnics). Or you could just slice the egg and lay it out on a platter and amaze your friends with how every slice is exactly the same size.”

Go check out [Keef’s] two videos. He has two, one that chronicles the eggciting initial attempts, and another that describes his final method. With [Keef’s] help, the number of long eggs outside of Denmark may substantially increase. But, if you’d rather have some pizza, we won’t be offended.

52 thoughts on “An Eggcelent Eggspriment

    1. You could have a vertical tube spinning over a source of heat. The centrifugal forces would keep the egg white to the wall. Spares the teflon rod, but otherwise…

      1. “Let’s start with that name, its unsettling taint of S&M, an overtone consistent with the design. In hot pink and stippled black rubber, Egg Master’s exterior screams cut-price, mail-order adult toy; its funneled hole suggests terrible uses. And it has a traffic light on it, for some reason.”

        ““Spray non-stick agent into container”, the box advises, which definitely gets the tummy rumbling. As instructed, I crack two whole eggs into the hot tunnel, trying to ignore the gurgling sound from within. It’s impossible to see what’s going on – but it smells bad. I squint into the dark opening. A bulging yellow sac peers back at me. Minutes pass; the smell does not. Then, without warning, a flaccid, spongy log half jumps from the machine, writhing like an alien parasite in search of a host body. It’s horrifying, like a scene from The Lair of the White Worm.”

  1. MDF is food safe!? A bunch of wood scraps glued together with some unknown glue is food safe? I’m not very sure about that. It could be safe if you just sliced your food over it, but cooking it together with your food submersed in weather… I’m no so sure about that. And I’m usually not picky about food safety.

      1. Sorry but even real wood isn’t really food safe, despite the fact that you can buy wood cutting blocks. Wood is porous and unable to be heat sanitized as well as provides a growth medium.

          1. Your first source is literally over 20 years old at this point though and doesn’t include any new research at all. The second source is only speaking about bacteria, not fungus or mold or even viruses and is also over 22 years old, being published in 1994.

            The second one also doesn’t link to the paper, the actual paper is located here:

            And the 1994 abstract states “Recoveries from wooden blocks were generally less than those from plastic blocks, regardless of new or used status; differences increased with holding time.” NOT that there were no bacteria left on the wood, which the article asserts.

            I am not saying that plastics (of which there are many types) are necessarily the best material to use, only that wood and other porous surfaces are generally not the ideal choice to use in a food contact type application. You don’t see wood used in operating rooms for example.

  2. I liked the cube egg cooking gimmicks in YPS in the 1970s. Cube eggs are cool. Cube eggs can be stapled on one another, making your mom behave really careful (till they drop, then she behaves really angry).

    Sausage eggs can not be stapled. Sausage eggs are not cool.

    As a hack, however, I like this.

  3. In the early 80s I was attending school in the US and met a Mr Bolt who though his dairy store chain claimed to have invented the long egg. He was part of some inventor classes outside of Milwaukee Wisconsin. I mostly remember me and the other kids for some reason being invited to his house where he had a bunch of taxidermy bears he had shot including a polar bear, he had also hand carved a big wooden table with a remote control hidden rise-out mechanism TV inside.

  4. It does give me a couple of ideas… You could make funnily shaped eggs with silicone molds from 3D printed forms.

    Or roll it in sesame or algae for something like sushi.

    1. Can easily be PP. At least PP drain tube looks like this. PVC drain/sewer pipe is mostly reddish-brown. But I have often seen PVC pipe used for fresh water too, although mostly in countries where I would not drink the tap water anyway.

  5. I heard about these a couple of decades ago. They’re manufactured by food companies and used commercially by restaurants and food manufacturers to put egg slices in salads.

  6. This is bad. I saw this exact video without any connection to HaD and without browsing any list of “trending” stuff – which means that we now live in a world with a VERY narrow tunnel vision, seeing only what Google deems appropriate to push to all of us suddenly at the same time for no particular reason other that it seeing it being already popular, presumably (I don’t normally watch food-related stuff). Welcome to the brave new reality of BuzzFeedTube, where we already control the horizontal and the vertical…

    1. >which means that we now live in a world with a VERY narrow tunnel vision

      …if you depend on trending/suggestions for 100% of your news and content.

      Advice: YouTube and Facebook aren’t news. They’re social media with suggestion/trending systems designed to present you with things you might be interested in, not necessarily a representative sample of everything in the world.

      If your world has tunnel vision, it’s because you’re wearing blinders.

      >seeing only what Google deems appropriate to push to all of us suddenly at the same time for no particular reason other that it seeing it being already popular

      I’m 100% certain you can search Google for anything you want, and results will be based on your query, not based on trending data.

      >Welcome to the brave new reality of BuzzFeedTube, where we already control the horizontal and the vertical…

      Welcome to the brave new world of Max, where recommendations are somehow tunnel vision, and not having the world spoon-fed to you is restriction and censorship. Welcome… to the Twilight Zone. Dooo dooo dooooooooo

  7. I first encountered a long egg in the fall of ’82 when I was helping a friend with work study at college. Unloading these things from the refrigerator that looked like a “white pepperoni”. To my surprise, this was how the egg in every every bagel and egg looked exactly (eggxactly?) the same.

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