These Are The Twenty Finalists For The Hackaday Prize Best Product

Hackaday is hosting the greatest hardware competition on Earth, and we’re giving away thousands of dollars to hardware creators to build the next generation of electronics. This is the Hackaday Prize, and already we’ve selected dozens of projects, one of which will win $50,000 USD.

Like last year, this year’s Hackaday Prize is very special. We’re supporting entrepreneurs building the Next Big Thing. This is the Best Product competition of The Hackaday Prize, and these are the products that will shake up an industry.

Now, it’s finally time to pick the finalists. These twenty projects will move onto the final round of the Best Product competition for a chance to win $30,000 USD, and an opportunity to work in the Supplyframe Design Lab, perfecting their prototype and turning it into a product.

The Hackaday Prize Best Product finalists are, in no particular order:

It’s Not Over Yet

These are the twenty finalists for the Best Product competition in this year’s Hackaday Prize, but we won’t be deciding which of these products will win until November.

This means there’s still a lot of work left for these Best Product finalists. Like all Hackaday Prize finalists, they’ll have to produce a video, but the Best Product is special: they’ll have to build three prototypes and send them off to our panel of hardware judges to be assessed on the basis of utility, manufacturability, and market.

All of these are spectacular projects, and for being a finalist they’ve already won $1000 USD each. There can only be one winner, and this project will win $30,000 USD, and an opportunity to spend some time in the Supplyframe Design Lab where they’ll have the tools, mentoring and the budget to turn their prototype into a real product.

16 thoughts on “These Are The Twenty Finalists For The Hackaday Prize Best Product

  1. Yup, so every Project listed goes directly to a page. So be sure to ENABLE scripting in your browser to see anything but the basic text about the project. Ugh…

    Please Remove the BLOAT HaD from the site. You DO NOT require scripting bloat on the base site (Yay!) So why not carry this wonderful design decision forward to include the likes of your site?

    1. I’ve thought of a way to send DIY satellites to space if it hasn’t already been done/attempted,
      A shi-tonne of large-ish to huge helium/hydrogen balloons strung on a light weight wire frame with a centeral launchpad/control center station containing a miniture rocket+sattelite combo…

      Dunno if it is doable, however if someone wants to yoink the idea and make this available to the world, then yep… go ahead.

      Problems maybe:
      How to get the helium/hydrogen, electrolysis may help (Search HHO).

      P.s. another comment awaiting moderation because of too many HTML tags, likely.

      1. The problem is not going outside the atmosphere — even simple fighter jets have been capable of doing that since decades — the problem is staying there, that is, reaching the orbit, which requires a huge speed that your balloons don’t help with. In fact, once you have the right speed, it doesn’t much matter how high you are (as long as you are not hitting things), as the speed alone will make you reach the orbit. All those huge rockets we are launching go up because of convenience and safety, not because the altitude matters. You could be launching satellites with a rail gun, if you can make them sturdy enough to survive that.

  2. Hmm, smart composing system eh? I didn’t know there was much wrong with dumb composting systems. Put stuff in at top, wait, take stuff out at bottom. Works for me.

  3. This was the first year I competed in the Hackaday competition. I found it motivating, especially when Hackaday wrote an an arricle about our project. I worked very hard, and honestly thought I would be sitting top 20 right now.

    Although, I am not supprised to find that I, like many other great projects, am not in the top 20.


    It is impossible to figure out how the winning projects win.
    Alot of the same projects win all the different categories.

    While some of the winners do seem legitimate, the others I honestly can not figure out how they won.

    Regardless, I cannot seem to find any pattern to what the judges are looking for. This is very frustrating. How can you market to your audience, when your audiance is a pseudo random number generator; seeded with the same number.

    I have been very successful in other large scale competitions. Perhaps Hackaday just isnt for me?

    Anyways, thats my rant :D… congrats to the winners. Hope someone gets the opportunity to work with Supply Frame, and make their pasion become a career.

    1. And a lot of projects are just proof of concept, without software and even hardware completed. (they will not be done never in future after this competition end). It is HaD prize about having idea without capabilities to making it real thing?

      Next year, i dont want to have my project doable and finnished. Or even usable in real world. It is mostly about big dreams, thats matters. Just do some 3D render and some sketch of concept and won.

      (chances are higher when using electronic buzzwords of todays world, like arduino, raspberry pi, 3d printing, etc. Regular reader would know more)

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