UV Glow Clock Tells The Time Glowingly

Reddit user [TuckerPi] wanted to make something to thank his father for helping him get through his engineering degrees. He hit it out of the park with this awesome glowing clock. The clock uses a strip of UV glow tape, which is rotated by a small stepper motor. On one side a UV LED is moved up and down by a second motor to make the tape glow underneath it. A Raspberry Pi drives the whole system, writing the time on the tape and rotating it to face outwards. Once a minute the clock rewrites the time on the rubber.

This is a lovely build that shows what [TuckerPI] learned in college, as he built most of the mechanism himself, cutting his own metal gears and parts and making a nice, simple case from African mahogany. He also shows his mistakes, such as his first attempt to build the glowing mechanism from silicon rubber mixed with UV powder. Although it worked initially, he found that the UV powder fell out of the rubber after a short while, so he replaced it with UV glow tape.

[TuckerPi] hasn’t published the full schematics of the device, but there is a lot of detail in the Imgur photos of the build and in the Reddit thread where he discussed the build. Kudos to him for finding an interesting and unique way to thank his father for his help.

[wpvideo tf2WRg1k]

13 thoughts on “UV Glow Clock Tells The Time Glowingly

  1. “Once a minute the clock rewrites the time on the rubber.”

    i just got an idea for a glow in the dark condom printer. now to figure out the problem of getting your willy caught in the machinery.

  2. “glowing mechanism from silicon rubber”
    I assume the author meant silicone rubber as silicon rubber sounds a bit like an oxymoron between the flexibility and brittleness of the materials in the name.

  3. “Although it worked initially, he found that the UV powder fell out of the rubber after a short while, so he replaced it with UV glow tape.” The imgur gallery doesn’t say anything about this. He said that the silicone band slid off the rollers too easily and that’s why he switched to the tape.

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