It seems there are as many ways to display the time as there are ways to measure it in the first place. [Kothe] saw a fancy designer domino clock, and wanted a piece of the action without the high price tag. Thus, the natural solution was to go the DIY route.
An Arduino Nano is the heart of the build, paired with a DS1307 RTC for accurate timekeeping. The case of the clock consists of a 3D printed housing, fitted with layers of lasercut acrylic. Behind this, a smattering of WS2812B addressable LEDs are fitted, which shine through the translucent grey plastic of the front panel. This enables each LED to light up a dot of the domino, while remaining hidden when switched off. Reading the time is as simple as counting the dots on the dominoes. The first domino represents hours, from 1 to 12, while the second and third dominoes represent the minutes.
As a timepiece, the domino clock serves well as a stylish decor piece, and could also be a fun way to teach kids about electronics and telling the time. Makers do love a good timepiece, and our clock tag is always overflowing with fresh hacks on a regular basis. If you’ve got your own fancy build coming together at home, you know who to call!
what is time ?
9:57 I think, total of each domino
AM or PM?
By the time you have worked out that it’s 9:57 it will be 9:58
36:5:25 to my mind!
25 or 6 to 4
This might be my favorite of the many I have seen. Simple enough to not tie my brain in knots, and yet interesting.
Well executed too, which is important.
Now that is impressive!
Stating that it would make an excellent gift for a domino enthusiast may be obvious, but it is unique and looks well crafted. This could make a nice kit for beginners, too.
A giant one from Brazil, using custom made LED light panels for each dot:
I’m looking for the .ino files as they are is not available anymore on Instructables. I’d be so grateful to anybody who sends them to me. Thanks in advance