M5StickC Turned Wearable Morse Code Trainer

An orange m5stickc plus strapped to a wrist in the foreground with the persons other hand pressing down on the top of an installed hat, communicating with another m5stickc plus in the background on the table.

Have you ever felt the options for Morse code communication were too limited? Well, look no further than [marsPRE]’s open source WristMorse communicator that can connect over WiFi, can act as a Bluetooth keyboard or just be used as a Morse Code trainer.

a 'hat' for an m5stickc plus with a single row pin header exposted, a 2.5mm jack and two capacitive touch buttons on the top and bottom of the hat.

[marsPRE] uses the M5StickC Plus as the base device and attaches a custom “hat” consisting of a 2.5 mm plug for a radio connection and two capacitive touch paddles that act as the Morse Code keyer. The add-on is housed in what looks like a custom 3D print and hangs off of the end of the M5StickC Plus, connecting the hat through an eight 0.1 inch pin header.

Using the M5StickC Plus allows [marsPRE] to focus on the software, providing different options for training, communication and even using the device as a Bluetooth keyboard. The two touch sensors allow for a semi automatic keying, with the top sensor used for long dashes and the bottom sensor used for short dashes.

[marsPRE] took inspiration from the Morserino-32 and has made the wrist morse code trainer open source software and available through GitHub for anyone wanting to take a look. Morse code may an old encoding method but it’s one that’s worthy of respect. You never know when you might need to send a message from your dreams or to translate spoken word Morse code.

8 thoughts on “M5StickC Turned Wearable Morse Code Trainer

  1. M5stack produces a lot of these cool platform but IMHO they are terrible to use for anything serious because they never expose JTAG pins (they actually use them for displays and onboard components)
    I’ve bought a bunch of them but always ended up using other esp32 based boards with debug capabilities otherwise you’re forced to only use printfs

    1. I’m also looking forward to a schematic and Arduino IDE sketch ( i could only locate the Vscode file on the GitHub, even though it references an Arduino IDE branch, there is only one branch available). I’m not too familiar with vs code environment at the moment.

      In the meantime, a good starting point may be to reference the schematic from kk9jef’s blog post linked below. It is based on the k3ng keyer project which I have recently put together, as well as an esp32 Bluetooth keyer. They both use transistor based circuit to trigger your xcvr. The paddles are also shown on this schematic, so just figure out which pins you need from the m5stickc plus and go from there. Let me know how it goes or if you have any other ideas/questions!



  2. I’m also looking forward to a schematic and Arduino IDE sketch ( i could only locate the Vscode file on the GitHub, even though it references an Arduino IDE branch, there is only one branch available). I’m not too familiar with vs code environment at the moment.

    In the meantime, a good starting point may be to reference the schematic from kk9jef’s blog post linked below. It is based on the k3ng keyer project which I have recently put together, as well as an esp32 Bluetooth keyer. They both use transistor based circuit to trigger your xcvr. The paddles are also shown on this schematic, so just figure out which pins you need from the m5stickc plus and go from there. Let me know how it goes or if you have any other ideas/questions!



  3. Sorry for the delay, I worked on a housing design, that is less messy and more easy to reproduce. I have added bill of material, stl files (and tinkercad link) as well as some assembly instructions to the github.
    73 de DL8MAR

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