A Nicer Controller For Cheap Power Supply Modules

These days, you can get all kinds of cheap power supply modules off a variety of online vendors. A lot of examples from brands like Juntek and Drok often have pretty poor interfaces though, with a couple of tactile buttons and a simple 7-segment display. [rin67630] decided to whip up a better controller with a much more informative display.

The controller is designed to work with programmable buck converter modules like the DPS3806, Buck3603, and BST900. It’s based on a TTGO ESP32 with an integrated color TFT LCD. It displays voltage at the input and output, the same for current, along with current setpoints. It also allows for control of a fan and charge cycles if so desired, and it has the ability to fetch time from an NTP server for proper scheduling.  There’s also a web interface complete with graphs for really diving down into the nitty-gritty. Future plans include adding an MPPT solar charging capability.

If you’ve ever wanted a cheap power supply module with really low-level control and rich data display, this could be just what you need. Meanwhile, you’ve got your own neat power supply in the works, don’t hesitate to drop us a line. 

3 thoughts on “A Nicer Controller For Cheap Power Supply Modules

  1. Worked well for 5.3 V input to Raspberry Pi 4 B from solar panel/12 V hf 35Ah agm battery … until battery died [was murdered?].

    Drok does not have non-volatile memory so device must reset manually.

    7805 with high-power Schotty diode placed between device and ‘ground’ better solution? But no usb connector output. :(

    Drok USB output so nice second Drok purchased.

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