This macro photography rig is really incredible. The system uses two lasers to trigger the camera when photographing flying insects. The site has an extensive writeup of the trials and tribulations involved in this build. The D100 shutter ended up needing to be replaced by a faster one. Of course the article also has lots of example images.
[thanks unstable_geek]
This was very cool – does anyone know of a simila site for doing the same idea with the usual retail Dig-Camera? I’ve been tinkering around with trying to get a laser-triggering system that will either/or trigger an external flash, or “pusha-da-button” and snap a pic.
give those a look, macro for the cvs camcorder and plain camera, then you could just fix a laser trigger to the record or “shutter” button
has anyone else seen this list GET YOUR FRIENDS TO READ HACKADAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! were only at 96
Thanks for that :) I love insects, and photography of such. My roommate showed me this, and I loved it, thanks :)
great pictures ther, i love macro`s!
What an elaborate system seems real awkward and cumbesum to use, I viewed all the sample images and their is truly only one image that stands out, I’m not really impressed with the performance as much as I’m with the sophistication of the laser trigger contraption itself and the effort to build it. And besides to an insects aspect it must look like Megatron or that robot Godzilla, probably will scare the dickens out of butterflies.
Let me have a go at the contraption and I’ll give you real feedback on it :)
Is camerahacks.10.forumer gone?