Hackaday Links

I usually don’t link to MAKE:Blog because I assume everyone is already reading it (you should). I just thought the GPS tracking link today deserved special attention.

We’ve been talking about “guerrilla drive-ins”. Dirk put together an FM transmitter kit this weekend that would probably work well. He’s also got a nice picture of why you shouldn’t keep your Replay-TV at a construction site.

[Spazz] put together a Hack-A-Day RSS Konfabulator widget.

[jeffers] pointed me to the Bluetooth car whispering article over on Autoblog. I had shrugged it off earlier in the day because I knew it was possible. I didn’t realize they had released the POC software on their site. This is another gem to come out of What The Hack. Here is the pdf of their slides and the torrent link for the video (370MB).

[TILT-MODE-ARMY] claims to have a working HTTP server on a PSP. They’re doing a stress test, but I’m not going to hot link it for fear of melting the little guy.

[Geoff] wrote to inform me that Weta Digital is expanding their render farm with 250 Dual Xenon blades.

The tip line

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DS Trojan

It looks like the DS trojan bricker is in the wild. There are instructions up to fix the situation. I was contacted by DarkFader last week wondering if I’d be interested in his answer to the PSP’s malware that had been circulating. I’m not interested in this kind of hacking because I feel it takes a lot more finesse NOT to break something. Here’s the info straight from the source for those interested:

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Hackaday Links

FIVE teams have completed the Grand Challenge 2005. Only four were able to get through the 131.6 mile course in the 10 hours needed to claim the prize. The fastest was Stanford’s “Stanley” at 6:53:58.

NASA is testing an unmanned sailplane that will turn off its engine once it has found a thermal.

[sprocket] documents the disassembly of the Roboraptor. UPDATE: This is [Sprocket]’s site. The other link was the inspiration.

The XBox 360s that were featured in all of those lewd photographs were apparently stolen property. I was looking for those pics the other day because I’ve decided I need to buy a 360 (you know

Weather Satellite Station

sat image

This page describes one group’s experience setting up a receiving station for NOAA weather satellites. To receive the images you first need to track the satellite you want to receive from. After tuning your receiver to the satellite’s frequency you can record the audible data stream using your sound card. You can decode this data either real-time or later. They went through several system iterations using both free and commercial tools.

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Connecting DECT Phones Through Sound Cards For Asterisk


I couldn’t think of a better title. Here’s how it goes: [onno] wanted to convert a DECT phone for VOIP use. First he tried using transformers for the audio, but was unhappy with the noise and echo. He describes how to do a direct tap like [Christoffer]’s Skype phone, but includes all of the necessary measures to keep from frying your sound card. The main piece of this project is his hacked “chan_oss” driver for Asterisk. Using the driver, Asterisk is able to ring the DECT phone. It also detects whether the phone is off-hook by comparing the sound input to the known line noise level. The phone can dial using DTMF just like any standard phone.

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