[Cal Henderson] delivered a keynote titled Why I Hate Django at the first annual DjangoCon. Django is an open source BSD licensed web framework written in Python. Google has posted the keynote in its entirety to YouTube, which you can find embedded above. While the talk is humorous (and takes many jabs at Rails developers) it does provide insight into what makes a good web framework. [Cal] is Director of Engineering at Flickr and is an authority on how to make websites scale. He points out that most frameworks are designed to get projects off the ground quickly, but are lacking when it comes to building an even larger service. He talks about several things in Django that need work and improvements that could be made. It’s really an interesting look at what it takes to go big.
Towards the end, [Cal] notes that Django has no mascot, “I could take a framework seriously that had a mascot with magical powers.” Well, that seemed to be the easiest thing to fix so avalonstar created Django: The web framework for ponies with magical powers. It’s available as wallpaper on djangopony, and Ruby legend, [why], has already set about debunking the magic involved.
what a mother fucking self absorved jackass.
it’s called a joke. seems to me you can’t take those.
srsly taka, lighten the fuck up
Kinda weird how google posted it on youtube, and not google video.
That was really quite informative (as well as full of light
tongue-in-cheek humor). I like hearing about scalability
as it relates to SQL queries and database schema.
i really enjoyed that talk. the humor + the manner in which he described the content was easy to understand and apply not only to frameworks, but to any type of programming project.
Thanks for your post. I am new at development and this was a big help.