Flaming Lips Guitar Hero Mod

Here’s a fun little suprise that showed up in a recent Flaming Lips interview. Frontman Wayne Coyne built this custom guitar rig out of a double-necked Epiphone. It has a neck from a Guitar Hero controller, which triggers a built in KORG Kaossilator touchpad synthesizer. Checkout the video interview at around 1:55 for a demo. He went with the Guitar Hero controller because he feels that it’s replacing regular guitars in childrens’ perception of how guitar is played.

[via Joystiq]

16 thoughts on “Flaming Lips Guitar Hero Mod

  1. concur 100% with above anon
    but i play guitar and i’m not really sure the two dimensional expression of a guitar is compatible with the three dimensional expression of a kaoss pad, I mean it’s a different mindset when you’re playing guitar than a kaoss pad, even if Manson guitars IS well known for the combo; as GODLY as their guitars are, I just dont know.
    oh yeah and double neck guitars?
    I know what you’re going to say “led zeppelin”
    ….no ok?
    he just did it cuz it looked cool
    ever since the chorus pedal who the hell needs a 12 string 6 string hybrid?

    oh my i’ve overstayed my welcome


  2. double necks rare? are you kidding? the even sell them at guitar center.

    and if you want a 3 neck you can always have one built, it’s not like all the guitar makers were killed right after they make something out of the ordinary.

    Anyone can have even a cheap trick 6 neck guitar if they pay for it.

    Honestly it’s eithera really early prototype or a marketing thing. Why would he use the crappy neck and buttons of a GH controller? drill and install real fret keys to make it usable over a year of concerts.

  3. Important note to EVERYONE who wants to be a camera operator someday: hold the f’ing camera steady for 15 freaking seconds, will ya?!?

    How come every movie or tv show that wants to be “edgy” decides that shaking the camera like a g.d’ed earthquaked is the way to do it?


  4. Anyone who says this is just a “prototype”, or a “bad idea” or whatever doesn’t get the idea of The Flaming Lips. Wayne is a guy who opens a show by crowd surfing in a hamster ball. He modified a US army Taps bugle ( http://www.usatoday.com/tech/news/techinnovations/2004-06-22-bugle_x.htm ) to make other sounds. He’s got a megaphone that has a smoke charge and confetti. The guitar hero mod is just another cool trick to bring out in a show.

  5. I just don’t understand! The Flaming Lips have always been about serious serious business! Why would Wayne Coyne make an instrument that isn’t 100% practical? It just doesn’t make any sense!

    If your computer is smoking or your brain is slapping itself, it’s because of the sarcasm overload it is now receiving.

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