Six Legged Crawler

This hexapod was sent to us on the tipline from [Jamie]. If you want to take the six-legged robot a bit farther than our earlier posts, here and here, this is the hexapod for you. The structural pieces were modeled, and cut out of 3mm thick plywood using CNC. He used TO-220 transistor nylon isolation mounts for the bearings, and bolts and locknuts at each joints. The main body houses eight servos, six for the legs and two for a camera head pan and tilt. There are another six servos, one for each leg, to lift the feet. The whole thing is controlled by an Atmel AT90S8515 clocked at 8 Mhz. The code was compiled using WinAVR free GCC GNU-C. He uses a PlayStation controller to help debug the walk cycles, and change parameters as needed. Watch a video after the jump.


6 thoughts on “Six Legged Crawler

  1. Not sure about your comment “If you want to take the six-legged robot a bit farther than our earlier posts”

    This hexapod has 2-DOF per leg – the “dancing” robot had 3-DOF. The extra degree of freedom allows much more complicated (and lifelike) motion.

    This 2-DOF robot therefore is easier to get started with, and of course cheaper.

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