Punchy Punchout Controller


We love alternative inputs. They can revitalize an old classic or add a twist to most any mundane task. Here, we see a perfect example where the game Punch Out for the NES is being controlled by a punching bag type thing. The impact sensors were made by hand, and wired to a PC game pad. They were mounted on some foam, allowing for a nice mushy punching surface.  There’s some feedback too, when your character is hit, a custom script detects the change in the sprites color and sends a signal to an Arduino. Right now, it just lights an LED, but the goal is to signal a strobe to make you flinch. This looks like it would be fun to play with, especially if you were to make it a little more high impact.  You can see a video of them lightly assaulting it after the break.


5 thoughts on “Punchy Punchout Controller

  1. If someone really wants to be cool they would hook it up to one of those workout punching bags shaped like a human you could break out the old nintendo powerpad(or some foil) and make step pads to block and lean.. now that would be a fun workout!!

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