[Jared Bouck] has been sending in his projects for a couple years now. We’ve enjoyed his heavy-duty DDR pads, LCD backlight repair, and ion cooling projects. His latest, an RC paintball gun turret, is our favorite though. He actually rates this as one of the easier projects he’s published; it just took a while to assemble. Several design decisions were made to keep the project simple. Two 32 Degrees Icon-E paintball guns were used. The guns already have electric solenoids for firing, so a special trigger mechanism didn’t have to be fashioned. Q-loaders were used to prevent any ball feed problems. The motors, driver boards, and RC components are all borrowed from combat robots for reliability. He’s hoping to produce a small number of kits based on this design.
Related: We’ve got quite a few sentry gun projects in the archive.
C’mon, no video?
Spy’s sappin’ meh Sentry!
Wow, that q-loader makes the turret look bad-ass.
100-shots only though :( maybe he can hack up a bigger one ;)
They do make a 500 round qloader
Just need to hook that up to a motion-sensory cam causing it to aim and fire at any thing large that’s moving.
He could have used other hoppers that are just as jam free and load just as fast, although it wouldn’t have looked as sleek. It would be ridiciously awesome if he had a big magazine on the top that houses several of those q loader pods, and had a mechanism for loading fresh ones and dropping the old ones. That’s a lot more complicated though.
No video on YouTube! Too long :-(
“honey… can you come into the garage I have something to show you…”
I want a roof mounted model for my truck. should take care of tailgaters and jerks that cut me off in traffic. maybe load it with those vomit balls the police use.
Looks like one of the “drone” guns from golden eye the jungle level.
“Are you still there?”
“I see you…”
This is awesome. Consistent ball loading has always been a problem for this purpose. I just went to the q-loader website, but they don’t tell you anything about the product or how it works – I guess they only sell to people who already know about them.
It does look like it could be some kind of multi-start helical loading system though. Anyone know for sure?
Anyone have either other products or DIY solutions to the problem of large capacity automatic ball feeding?
He posted new videos. kinda funny, and very informative.
The q-loader is just a spring loaded helical feeding system. There is a spring going down a center tube that pushes out the balls. The pods only hold 100 balls so you wouldn’t get too many shots before having to reload.
A high capacity feeder could easily be made by modifying existing force-fed paintball hoppers. Just about all of them will be more than adequate to consistently feed paintballs.
try looking here:
not a bad review, goes into decent detail on the q-loader
no video of use…?
oww good.
haha thats crazy!
They now have a full kit for sale on the last page of the project write up!
how does it tilt?
As mr. sandman so eloquently put it, Spy Sappin’ Mah Sentry!
Is it just me or does that bring memories of the blue team engineer from Team Fortress/Half Life 1
Oh god, QLoaders. I hate those things. What a hassle, they were not worth it at all.
On a side note that thing looks kick ass and I would love to get shot by it.
interesting. very good:)
@ stunmonkey
another turret, not rc.
Pretty good programming
in paintball, are we allowed to use this :) It is a cheat I guess :)
now thats a pretty cool piece of paintball equipment if you ask me. The design looks fantastic. i may just have to buy one of those kits.
you gotta love that. Hmmmm. i wonder if you could het that tournament certified. Now that would be really interesting.
i fucking love the top gun, the blue one, email if u were i can get it.
That thing is bad assed, I’m going to try and build one and post a video blog of how it went on my site. I wonder if that would be useful in an actual game since you it would be hard to see your targets…would be sweet if you could tie it to a motion sensor!
That is one serious paintball marker! I have seen something similar to this at a scenario event, but this is serious.
Wow that is some serious bit of kit. I may and try and convince my boss to invest in something similar for one of our sites, we could use it to train our marshalls…. dance marshall… dance..!!..
They have one of these mounted in a tower on the south london paintball field.
Are these tournament legal haha would make breakouts more fun!
Haha yeah that would be insane if it was tourney legal!
could you build me one of these to mount on a skylark 1-seat helicopter, i’d pay as much as the cost for parts and labor if you’ll do the job for me.
This could be some serious machine if used propoerly. This could even be a game that is operated by a marshal and players have to avoid the gun? My boss will love this, go marshal!