[Madaeon] pointed us toward this entry for the Instructables Epilog challenge. While this may not be extremely complex, or have as many wires as our typical post, it is a fantastic example of thinking outside the box. How many lemon batteries have we seen? A lot. This one stands out as being more elegantly displayed and functional at the same time. In its final form, you sprinkle lemon juice on it’s petals and it lights up. If you ever find yourself in the position of teaching someone about electronics, remember this project. Sometimes aesthetics can make a dull simple project take on a life of its own.
Simple, Elegant, Lemon Battery

cool. a way to extract some beauty from acid rain?
Wow, this is just beautifully done.
I’ve been getting back into electronics the past few months, so I think i might actually try my hands with this for fun.
I previously used a hangar laptop stand Instructable from there. (works great for my netbook)
Never ever thought of using all those old metal hangers for such a thing.
Very bad!
Pepe (hervas@labortecnic.com)
damn, i love this idea!
i will build some of them tomorrow, too :D
beautiful concept and a clever design. this might be one of the simplest yet coolest educational projects out there!
should we really be aiming towards mimicking nature? i mean christ that’s where HUMANS come from
lemon party?
Great simple design… Ths would be great for introducing kid to electronics.
when life gives you lemons…make shit glow!
poor plant
this hack is a lemon.
>>lemon party?
lolz. At least I got the joke.
this hack is a potato
Instructables, wtf? Now you need to sign in to see all but the first image? That’s some bull. Last time I’m using Instructables for anything. All those pictures and such a pain in the ass to see them.
There is a way around it.
Best way to fix this dumb policy is to give them feedback. Here is a thread :
If enough people tell them how stupid their registration policies are they might change them!