Bulbdial Redux


[Taufeeq] sent in his “Circle of Light” bulbdial clock. You may remember when we showed you Evil Mad Scientist’s version a while back, and [Taufeeq] did use it as a base but he’s added some of his own little touches. Some of the changes include using a PIC with an RTC chip instead of AVR, which allowed him to shrink the board down small enough to fit behind the clock face, rather than on front. He’s even zipped everything up conveniently to help you build your own.

9 thoughts on “Bulbdial Redux

  1. awesome design. i would have probably done 60 led’s for the second hand, either that or tried slowly varied the light from one led to the other, to give the idea of the hand moving.

    great design though.

  2. @Abbott : Yes Wwhat is right, talking about 60 LEDs and putting them there in reality are two very different things. It is sure possible to build a driver to drive 60 LEDs but the circuit will become more complex. The actual problem is the wiring a mounting so many LEDs. (neatly). I did think about it when i started the project, but finally decided to go with the KISS approach. ( Keep It Simple, Stupd!)

  3. 60 LEDs can be wired in an 8×8 matrix. Since only one is lit at a time you’d only need 2 shift registers, transistors would be optional. It’s not complex, but probably a pain to wire. Is it worth it? That’s another question.

    Anyway, that’s a pretty good design.

    One little remark: CC 3.0 is not public domain.

  4. I love how the height affects the hands length
    it’s a simple effect of dropping shadows, and i think this is a great hack!

    would there be some way by doing this with one row of leds and a variating pin in the middle? without making much noise?

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