Here’s a good one from a few years back. [Muranushi] built a scanner to automatically scan an entire book. LEGO is used as the primary building material. A book is placed on a LEGO balance (inset photo) with a counterweight that eases the work of raising and lower the book. The book is lowered, a LEGO carriage moves across the book to turn the page, the book is raised to the glass of an upside-down scanner and scanned into a laptop.
It seems LEGO and imaging devices are a great match. Most of the parts used here are from LEGO Technical set 8485, a set that comes with motors and a motor controller seen above, on the floor behind the computer. We’ve embedded some video after the break of a book in the midst of the scanning process.[youtube=]
[Thanks Vesanies]
Nice, though most of my techincal books are so updated nothing worth scanning
Reminds one of the page turner in Real Genius…
Though after watching the rest of the video given it would take over 16.6 hours to scan a 1000 page techincal book (at about 1:24 per 2 pages.
Sixteen hours isn’t bad, considering the alternative is to cut the binding so you can send it through a sheet feeder.
or you know use that dual camera setup from the other day. for some reason that didn’t make it here but it made /. Anyways, i think the page turner from this could be mated to that one.
I looked for ever for that link. I knew I had seen it, but couldn’t find it again. Didn’t think to go to wired.
There’s a DIY book scanner that uses cameras on Instructables. I think it won a few prizes, too.
ahh, i loved that 8485 kit. built and programmed many a project with that.
Anyone interested in building book scanning machines should come join the clan at . We are always looking for more hackers, more builders, and more crazy ideas. Things have come a long way since that Instructable…
wait, geocities japan is still up!?