The peregrine looks like it could actually be a useful tool. We’ve seen several people make glove input devices over the years and this looks like a quick and easy way to get one going. It touts over 30 touch points that are user programmable. Really, it works more like a keyboard wrapped around your hand than any kind of motion or flex sensing. It could probably save you some time if you are headed that direction, but at $250 you might just want to build your own.
[James] – For those looking to make your own, Adafruit offers both flex sensors and force sensitive buttons that could help you work on something like this.
Were you demoing a Spider-Man game?
that glove wasn’t even attached. I watched the guy demo it in something like wow.
I love the power glove
I like the Powerglove. It’s so bad.
Remember the P5 glove?
Ah the p5 glove; they still sell it. Was considering modding it to be wireless as it still requires a cable to the base-station.
Powerglove 2.0 anyone? :P
The price is incorrect.
The price point is $150 ($130 preorder).
Suspected as simply a typo.