[Frogz] sent in a video he found of a thermic lance constructed from spaghetti. If you are not familiar, thermic lances are typically comprised of an iron tube filled with iron rods, which are then burned using highly pressurized oxygen. This lance however, was built by tightly wrapping a bundle of spaghetti in aluminum foil and attaching it to an oxygen tank. While thermic lances are commonly used in heavy construction where thick steel needs to be cut, [latexiron] and his friends use theirs to cut apart a chair. While we don’t necessarily condone drunken destruction of innocent patio furniture, we can’t help but watch this video again and again in amazement of the incredibly novel use of everyday pasta. You too can join in the drunken revelry after the jump. If food-based cutting torches are your thing, be sure to check out this bacon lance as well.
That’s nothing. Back in my day we made Jedi lightsabers using macaroni!
That was fantastic!! I was in absolute hysterics while watching it!!
Now make one with sparklers…
Haha, nice. The camera guys must be severely obese, his breathing is so loud!
I just started taking a welding class and we are doing safety and torch cutting. While very interesting (oxygen and spaghetti who knew) I have one serious reservation about this video. WHY is he laying that bottle on its side? Good safety says you should always keep ANY compressed bottle upright.
Also wouldn’t foil tape be better then gaffers?
I think on very uneven ground it is best to lay a compressed gas bottle on it’s side so it can’t fall.
It only matters with acy tanks, and tanks with liquid (propane, CO2.) Oxygen tanks can be stored in any orientation.
LOL! This seems like a fun bunch of people! I know was laughing throughout the whole video.
Fascinating. Send this to MythBusters. First, because I want confirmation before I get out the angel hair. Second, I imagine Jamie and Adam playing with a thermic lance and there is nothing but good and destruction.
This looks like… A Spaghetti Incident
cook meatballs with it
@Erik Johnson: He’s laughing and drunk. That would explain methinks :)
Cool.. Very hard to watch over the soudn of the camera man’s breathing.
Pure win. The bacon link in youtube was better though.
“WHY is he laying that bottle on its side?”
I’m guessing it’s compressed O2 gas and not a liquid. Thus no worry about leaking out liquid O2.
in the disclaimer it say did not happen lol its fake
You don’t need spaghetti. You can use almost anything. As long as you can get it to ignite, forcing compressed oxygen through it will cause it to become incredibly hot.
Compressed oxygen will make anything burn much faster, but not anything that burns will do; you still need sufficient energy content. Food, as it so happens, contains a lot of energy. Carbohydrates (pasta) for instance is more energy dense than TNT.
What an asshole, ruining a perfectly good chair..
Observation: In a real thermic lance the temperatures are much higher by the exothermic oxidation of the iron.
This is really an oxygen spaghetti torch which is still pretty cool.
They’ve been using this in Italy for years, they also use linguine for rebar.
Truely, they have been touched by the FSM’s noodly appendage, and inspired!
@ ledstart
What an epic D0od pwning a chair
I hope she made lotsa spaghetti!
+1 for the FSM reference!
For a good demonstration of a thermic lance, see the movie “Thief”. In it, James Caan’s character uses one to crack a safe. AFAIK, in the movie, the tube was magnesium.
wow, they are drunk and still the video is watchable.
There are so many guys making videos with a shaky camera, bad vision angel etc…
Dont try this at home…. do it at your friends house!
@Hockersmith O2-bottles are also mounted lying down when fitted in aircraft for high altitude flying (specifically: gliders). At least in that application, with those flow rates and regulators, it’s a complete non-issue.
CHROMIUM! GEESH!!! NOT AGAIN! Don’t burn aluminum!
The Flying Spaghetti Monster would wipe a tear from his eye with one of his noodley appendages.
I’m surprised they didn’t need a welding mask to look at it.
Meanwhile, millions of people all over the world are starving and dying.
Somehow, I do not think it is drunkenness, I think it might be a little more chemical.
So if this was ANY good they would be cutting into a safe with it. Not a stupid chair.
@octel: Meanwhile, meanwhile, you’re posting useless, negative and irrelevant messages on the internet.
@octel: give a man some spaghetti, he eats for a day. teach him to harness the incredible POWER of spaghetti, and he can build a McDonald’s.