[Nick Thatcher] has built several iterations of a homebrew Segway, and the latest version is very impressive. When developing the project he figured there was just no way the thing would ever work, which led to its name, the No-way.
After the break you can catch a video of [Nick’s] test-ride. Looks like the two-wheeler is ready for daily use. You can just make out a red kill-switch on the right side of the polycarbonate body. This lets you disconnect the power if things get out of hand, or just when you’re done riding it. But there is also a dead-man’s switch which we believe uses two sensors where your feet go on the enclosure’s top surface. The handle has some indicator lights built into it, as well as buttons under each thumb which are used for steering. Control circuitry includes an Arduino UNO which reads a gyroscope/accelerometer sensor board from SparkFun. Two 7.2 Ah batteries provide 24V for the pair of electric scooter motors that turn the wheel-barrow wheels.
We love looking at these Segway clone project. So if you’re working on one of your own don’t forget to document your progress!
>Two 7.2 Ah batteries provide 24V
Math, how does it work?
Nothing hard with the math here; 2 x 12 = 24 … He assumed you understood that lead acid was 12V ;-)
Could easily be 6 volts for the small sealed batteries.
In the video it shows that both batteries are 12v. Ah is ampere-hours, which is a unit of electrical charge. Voltage is the force of power the battery gives out.
Hah, that looks a lot like my old lawnmower!
lol … a segway that has a lawn-mowing attachment!
hahahaha the epitome of lazyness! i likes.
Yea, speaking of lawnmowers why doesn’t someone make a gas powered segway clone?
Because it needs the precision and reverse for the gyro to balance.
That would be an intersting place to use a hydraulic CVT with a digital valve.
Ooh! Chainsaw powered diy segway. For the maker with a death wish.
It’s a fake. I can see the blocks holding it up in the first pic.
not sure if trolling or actually stupid…
It’s a joke.
I wish there was a code and schematic though. I have a couple cheap 18V drills, but I’m not sure how well they would work.
Turbot is a loser. This is a cool project. Turboy probably just figured out the advanced features on his game boy. Like the off button The dude in the video buildsa Segway clone. Compare.
What the hell are you yacking about? I don’t even see the word turbot anywhere n his post or username.
Awesome quality hobby time to make such projects..
Would be cool and fun to do some race with this build-your-own segways. Im curious how fast you can go and still have a propriate handling and balance.
that could just be the greatest idea for electrical “motorsport” i have seen.
tight curves and 4 on the track, throw in a few minor obstacles and it would be brilliant.
both from an engineering and enjoyment standpoint.
maybe its possible to tilt the wheels sideways as one is taking curves at high speeds, would probably be hard to make light and strong enough.
Oh, puleez, post the Arduino code & the schematics. I’ll build one of these right after I finish that Portal gun I’m working on.
you can find the code here http://www.instructables.com/id/Easy-build-self-balancing-skateboardrobotsegway-/
Nice ride Nick!
what does those buttons in handlebars do ?
and which gyro do you use for it?
hi, i done most of the step to built my own segway but i realy need find best way of handlebar …
what kind of mounted bearing he did use ..did you use potentiometer or encoder …and is any ebay shop i can by this hanlebar and the mounted bearing
how to balance it without using sensor ????????
Segway clone project is really interessting and a nice hobby. What does it cost?
I’m building one but not like making handlebar system for rotation can you help me thanks