You’re certainly not going to sneak up on anyone if using this LEGO motorized wheelchair. The high-pitched whine of all those tiny motors sounds like an army of robotic mosquitoes out for blood.
Six of the LEGO Mindstorm bricks are used to drive the motors, with a seventh acting as the master. It’s not pictured above, but there is a joystick on the right hand side which allows the rider to navigate. The master brick monitors the four sensors on that joystick. It then uses a pair of motors to actuate switches monitored by the slave bricks. Each slave has one switch for forward, and another for backward and drives two motors. To get around problems with angular velocities dues to turning, all of the wheels are multidirectional.
The plan is to add Bluetooth control in the near future. The master/slave setup should make that relatively easy as it only affects one of the bricks. The idea is to facilitate Android control to the chair like we’ve seen in other Mindstorm builds.
Don’t miss the demo embedded after the break.
That thing is stupidly awesome!
Now someone needs to make a pizza box wheelchair.
7 mindstorms…hmmm…that means that it must be about a $1400 mobile chair…unless they got an academic discount….hehehe
ehh, I find this to be stupid. I like the lego go kart better. But hell, as long as it made the owner happy, what can I bitch about?
I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of AA batteries suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened.
God I neeed that laugh.. I owe you one.
That timing was perfect, was in the middle of listening to “Sound of Silence” while reading your comment. Made my morning.
7 mindstorm mcus? fuck!
my dog pulls me sliding over the floor faster than this wheelchair.
1 out of 1 cowering felines agree: Make the terrifying screeching thing go away.
Works great with a tiny 35 pound little girl. Put an typical american at 300 pounds on it and watch those little motors explode into lego pieces.
typical? Americans are not all 300 pounds, consuming mass quantities of food.
<– 175 pounds ;-)
Hey twatface go troll elsewhere please. I’m 250lb but I’m also 6’1″ and pretty well fit. And it’s *A* typical not *AN* typical. Typical fartface FAILtroll.
Are you American? If you were you wouldn’t have said that.
Bite harder next time guys.
With all these Lego components it shouldn’t be cheaper than a standard electric drive.
“it slow!”
“its expensive”
“it could not support a big person”
This is an awesome bit of lego mastery and creativity. If you do not think this is cool/neat then please go find another bridge to lurk under.
Please guys build a lego hangglider next and make a video of it disitegrating in midair (if it even leaves the ground) for lulz.
How do you keep your butt from looking like a waffle after sitting on all those tiny lego bumps?
I won’t lie, that is one of the coolest things that I have seen. I’m sure that would save you a lot of money if you had to buy a wheel chair. I’m sure that you could just throw a pillow on there, and you would be just fine. It doesn’t look like it has a lot of back support though.