Need Custom Parts? This Week We’re Giving Out $2k In 3D Printing

We’re having an excellent time watching your project builds take shape. All summer long we’re giving away prizes to make this easier and to help move great prototypes along. Last week we offered up 125 Teensy-LC boards; the winners are listed below. This week we want to see interesting parts come to life so we’re giving away two-thousand dollars in 3D Printing.

These 3D printed parts will be delivered to 40 different project builds in the form of $50 gift cards from Shapeways. Basically, you just design your parts, choose a printing medium like plastic or metal, and before you know it your digital creation appears as a real part shipped in the mail.

Time to write down your Hackaday Prize idea and get it entered! You’re best chance of winning will come when you publish a new project log describing how having custom-printed parts would move your build forward. Whether or not you score something this week, you’ll be eligible for all the stuff we’re giving away this summer. And of course, there’s always that Grand Prize of a Trip into Space!

Last Week’s 125 Winners of a Teensy-LC Board


Congratulations to these 125 projects who were selected as winners from last week. You will receive a Teensy-LC board. The name makes them sound small, but the ARM Cortex-M0+ packs a punch. 62k of flash, 8k of RAM, and these run at up to 48 MHz. Program them bare-metal or use the ease of the Arduino IDE. Don’t forget to post pictures and information about what you build using your newly acquired powerhouse!

Each project creator will find info on redeeming their prize as a message on

The 2015 Hackaday Prize is sponsored by:

27 thoughts on “Need Custom Parts? This Week We’re Giving Out $2k In 3D Printing

          1. Oh, well bummer I thought adding the Tags alone would be good enough.

            I guess I’ll try and do something later with Sketchup or something, maybe even the good old pen and paper method.

          1. So far, the audio lib hasn’t been ported to Teensy-LC. I am planning to do a limited port to LC, at least for playing sounds and some basic stuff like mixing, envelopes and level controls. But the complex stuff like the variable filters, waveform synthesis and sound processing effects will never run on Teensy-LC. The DSP extensions of the Cortex-M4 processor are required for that heavy number crunching stuff.

  1. Wow – there’s a lot of entrants.

    Some of the projects are quite impressive. Medical, energy, convenience, tech, science… should be an interesting contest.

    Accessibility (for the disabled) seems big – seems like hackers could make a lot of progress there.

    If you’re wishing you could enter but don’t have an idea, maybe try an accessibility project?

  2. Got 2 LCs for my two entries along with a Bean last week. Thanks a lot #HAD for keeping the spirits up….. Will try to at least make it to the semi finals…. Thanks again…..

  3. Hackaday providing a steady stream of motivation! Thanks a lot guys :) the teensy is perfect for my project! The amount of innovation happening for various entries is astounding, and I have a feeling that all these small prizes are motivating people to get their projects going now rather than waiting for the day before the deadline.

    1. Possibly. We’re testing out the new .io API that *should* notify you if you’ve won. Look for a message on .io for that.

      Failing that, we did post all the winners. If you’re on it and you didn’t get a message, ping me.

  4. Congrats to the winners! Awesome projects.

    Technical question: That 3D-printed part in the picture… can a typical filament-based 3D printer do something like that? If so, how? Or, even more-simplistic: How could they do anything that has a vertical opening/hole?

  5. Thanks guys. That LC is going to help for the prototyping for my other new project “Ultrasonic range finder for the visually impaired” that is started a few days ago. I am using a KL16, but it has similar analog, timer and DMA as the KL26.

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