X-Ray Everything!

We’re not 100% sure why this is being done, but we’re 110% happy that it is. Someone (under the name of [The X-Ray Playground]) is putting interesting devices under an X-ray camera and posting videos of them up on YouTube. And he or she seems to be adding a few new videos per day.

Want to see the inner workings of a pneumatic microswitch? Or is a running pair of servo motors more your speed? Now you know where to look. After watching the servo video, we couldn’t help but wish that a bunch of the previous videos were also taken while the devices were being activated. The ball bearing wouldn’t gain much from that treatment, but the miniature piston certainly would. [X-Ray Playground], if you’re out there, more working demos, please!

How long the pace of new videos can last is anyone’s guess, but we’re content to enjoy the ride. And it’s just cool to see stuff in X-ray. If we had a postal address, we know we’d ship some stuff over to be put under the lens.

We don’t have as many X-ray hacks as you’d expect, which is probably OK given the radioactivity and all. But we have seen [MikesElectricStuff] taking apart a baggage-scanner X-ray machine in exquisite detail, and a DIY fluoroscope (yikes!), so we’re not strangers. Who needs Superman? We all have X-ray vision these days.

Thanks [OiD] for the tip!

24 thoughts on “X-Ray Everything!

      1. “Why?”
        Because, why not. XD, just kidding. It’s the kind of channel I’d like to see, but since noone makes it, AND they bought the machine at work…AND I’m kinda allowed to play with everything…well…I’m going to scan lots of things anyways, there’s not much effort in also uploading them to youtube.

    1. It’s not radioactivity. it’s X-rays
      He’s using a very expensive commercial machine (XD7500VR Jade FP) he has access to at work, so safety shouldn’t be an issue.

        1. Maybe we should give a proper definition to radioactivity in this case. Radioactivity is a nucleus decay. X-ray are emitted by electrons. This should make a good base for debate.

          1. With the magic of google we get the mariam webster definition… pretty much the most generic and loosest definition one could give in the Physics arena… but an argument can be made that electromagnetic emmisions are radiation, just not DANGEROUS radiation.

             :energy that comes from a source in the form of waves or rays you cannot see

            …and this one with no named source…



            the emission of energy as electromagnetic waves or as moving subatomic particles, especially high-energy particles that cause ionization.

            Of coarse, one definition in Mariam Webster includes the stipulation of dangerousness, so you have to assume a range of meanings depending on our audience. Most people mean dangerous radiation when they say the word, regaurdless of weather they know not all radiation is dangerous, and that there are generally accepted levels of each type of radiation that are considered “safe”.

            Technically, the extremely generic, non physics definition “the act of radiating from a source” is much more broad, but is probably not the definition we are looking for. Most people would not consider visible light as radiation, but it is electromagnetic, and it does radiate from a source. Most definitions do not exclude xrays as radiation though. Hope the ambiguity of semantics helped.

        2. I believe the term you’re looking for is “ionizing radiation”:


          “Ionizing (or ionising in British English) radiation is radiation that carries enough energy to free electrons from atoms or molecules, thereby ionizing them. Ionizing radiation is made up of energetic subatomic particles, ions or atoms moving at high speeds (usually greater than 1% of the speed of light), and electromagnetic waves on the high-energy end of the electromagnetic spectrum.”

          1. Technically correct: the best kind of correct.

            I mean, correcting the guy was totally okay and indeed a good thing. But I feel like Mike was baiting a “correction” so he could feel smug about it.

    2. X-rays are a type of ionising radiation generally created by X-ray tubes. Similar radiation can be emitted by some radioactive sources and created by other processes though X-tubes are the most common. X-rays are generally completely harmless though some care should be taken as excessive exposure to living tissue will cause cell death. But then again, being alive will also do that.

    3. The most effective way to be safe is to not be born.

      ???????? ???????????? the most irritating thing about HaD is all the childish “this is dangerous” comments. You think you’re the only ones who gets that some things require caution? Go be someone else’s mommie.

      I think we should lock all those people up and force them to watch YouTube videos of the crazy shit that Russians do for fun.

        1. It’s the common sense warnings that I’m complaining about. Do you seriously need to be told that X-rays are dangerous? The kiddies who post that stuff aren’t trying to teach anything, they’re just trying to look smart (and failing).

          What we Americans ???????????????? to learn is how to be wild, crazy, and fun-loving like the Russians instead being a bunch of scared-of-our-shadows pussies (a figure of speech–no offense intended to those possessing female genitalia).

    1. Not really no. You do need a permit to own and/or operate an x-ray machine though and you can only get one of those if you can show the relevant authority that your use of of such a machine does more good than harm. Thus having an x-ray machine for educational use (playing) is ok if you work at (for example) a university.

  1. Pretty cool, the Dage Jade is a nice machine, my work has the beefier Dage Ruby (and an older 2D x-ray). As he states, the Jade is capable of 10fps with it’s 1.3MP camera while the Ruby is capable of 25fps with a 2MP camera.

    Having an x-ray at your disposal is fun. My mother-in-law lost a needle while sewing a blanket once and after searching for hours, I offered to xray it. I folded it, stuck it in a vacuum storage bag to fit inside our 2D xray, and found it in about a minute. (queue the needle in a haystack comments in 3..2..1…)

    1. Would have used a neodimium magnet for that, but won’t argue about the cool factor (and way faster) Xray method.
      My chanel will die soon enough, as other people with better machines jump up with better everythings, (like the hydraulic press channel) but it’s still fun to play with it.

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