Simon Says Smile, Human!

The bad news is that when our robot overlords come to oppress us, they’ll be able to tell how well they’re doing just by reading our facial expressions. The good news? Silly computer-vision-enhanced party games!

[Ricardo] wrote up a quickie demonstration, mostly powered by OpenCV and Microsoft’s Emotion API, that scores your ability to mimic emoticon faces. So when you get shown a devil-with-devilish-grin image, you’re supposed to make the same face convincingly enough to fool a neural network classifier. And hilarity ensues!

What’s particularly cool about the game is that [Ricardo] was inspired to write it by reading Hackaday, in particular this post from a few weeks ago where Raspberry-Pi based robot reads your facial expressions and says something hopefully appropriate. So you see, your time here is well-spent: at least in terms of amusing your co-workers, while simultaneously ensuring the sad fate of all humankind. Smile!

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