[S-ol] wrote in to share his sweet breakout game played on an oscilloscope. Built in a weekend as part of a game development jam, Plonat Atek is a polar breakout game where the player attacks the center and the ball bounces around the perimeter. You can play it either on an oscilloscope or using an online emulator. [S-ol] wrote the game in Pure Data, a visual programming language for audio. The software controls the audio out channels and uses sound to control the game graphics. He also made use of the Zexy extension for Pure Data.
One of the cool things about this setup is that since the game is programmed with sound, all the sound effects also double as visual effects
We love oscilloscopes, and not just because they’re useful as hell. They also make sweet vector displays, like this analog pong game that uses a scope for a display. Even when they’re not being used for retrogaming they can be capable of some pretty amazing graphics.
And more, at;
That is quite an oscilly use for that.
Nyuck! Nyuck! Nyuck!
Cool! If this had existed 40 years ago, I would’ve wasted too much time in Electronics Lab to have graduated!