The Open Source Hardware Association is now accepting applications for the Ada Lovelace fellowship which provides free admission to the Open Hardware Summit and a $500 travel stipend. One of OSHWA’s goals is to foster a more diverse community within open source. As part of this, Ada Lovelace Fellowships are open to women, LGBTA+, and people of color. There are a total of 10 fellowships available and applications are due by April 30th. The Open Hardware Summit will be held on September 27th at MIT.
The fellowship program, founded by Addie Wagenknecht and Alicia Gibb in 2013, builds on the ideal that Open Hardware is one way to reduce the barriers associated in access to technology. Removing some of the financial barriers associated with attending the Summit will help to ensure more people of diverse backgrounds are involved in shaping the Open Hardware world. In addition to the talks shared at the gathering, over the last several year OSWHA has been evolving the Open Hardware definition and an Open Hardware certification.
Disclaimer: [Christopher Wang] is a board member of the Open Source Hardware Association
It makes me happy to see that y’all care about and support us minorities. Please don’t let hateful people like jawnhenry discourage you from doing more in the future. Things like this mean a lot to us, even just seeing that a site like this cares.
Well I’ve said my piece but the important thing is what happens when the people get to the summit. All the rest is means to an end.