Learn Engineering Concepts With Some Cool Animations

All feats of engineering build on a proper understanding of the basic engineering concepts. Learning these concepts from a book or class tends to be a rather uninspiring exercise, unfortunately. To make this task a lot more enjoyable, [The Efficient Engineer] has produced a series of high-quality, easy-to-watch videos on the concepts.

The videos focus mainly on mechanical and structural engineering and contain excellent animations and just enough math to give you a basic understanding. There are 22 videos so far and cover a wide variety of topics, including FEA analysis, stress and strain, aerodynamics, and Young’s modulus. Each video starts with the basics, then digs down into the topic, all the while visualizing the subject being discussed. For example, for FEA he starts with the applications, then covers discretization (meshing) and how to solve the calculations.

For more excellent educational videos, check out [Real Engineering] and [Practical Engineering].

5 thoughts on “Learn Engineering Concepts With Some Cool Animations

  1. ” Learning these concepts from a book or class tends to be a rather uninspiring exercise, unfortunately. ”

    Isn’t that where the gamification trend comes in?

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