Yet another Day of the Chocolate Bunnies has passed by, and what did you do to mark the occasion? You likely kicked back and relaxed, surrounded by whatever you gave up for Lent, but good for you if you mixed chocolate and electronics like [Repeated Failure] did. They created a completely edible chocolate Easter bunny that screams when bitten.
So obviously, the hardest part is figuring out something to build the circuit with that is both conductive and safe to eat. [Repeated Failure] spent a lot of time with carbon oleogel paste, which is made from natural oils and waxes. Not only was it less conductive than [Repeated Failure]’s skin, it came out pitch black and tasted like nothing, which kind of a bonus, when you think about it.
Then came the cake paint, which [Repeated Failure] laced with trace amounts of silver powder. While that worked somewhat better, a successful circuit would have likely required near-fatal amounts of the stuff. Yikes!
The winner turned out to be edible silver leaf, which is like gold leaf but cheaper. Ever had Goldschläger? Gold leaf is what’s suspended inside. The really nice thing about silver leaf is that it comes in thin sheets and can easily be cut into circuit traces with scissors and connected to I/O pins with copper tape. Be sure to check it out after the break, including [Repeated Failure]’s friend’s reaction to innocently biting the chocolate bunny’s ears off, as one tends to do first.
Think you’d rather hear plants giggle? Sure, it sounds cute, but it’s actually kind of creepy.
I am SO going to do something similar next year for Easter. This made my day!
Halloween is sooner
Great making/hacking idea.
All electronics is edible, some are just crunchier than others.
Everything is edible at least once
Anything with electrolytes is conductive. Like, you know, water? This things just needs a continuity check, not really to conduct 1A.
Now we just need to 3d print chocolate with inner channels filled with a conductive liquid like salty cognac, similar to a truffle.
Pure water is a perfect insulator unless you apply a voltage across it which causes it to ionise and become conductive.
Paint over the silver leaf with chocolate to hide the traces.
What if you chew on the silver with your fillings? If you have amalgam fillings and have ever chewed on a piece of tinfoil you’ll know it is not fun!
It’s silver leaf, which is a whole lot thinner than your typical aluminum foil.
I doubt you’d even notice it.
Eat much silver and your skin will turn blue. Forever.
Okay, that gave me a giggle.