Fork! Ladybird Browser And SerenityOS To Go Separate Ways

In the monthly Ladybird Browser update video which we’ve placed below, SerenityOS founder [Andreas Kling] announced an interesting development. The browser has been forked from the OS that has been its progenitor, and both projects will now proceed separately. This frees the browser from the SerenityOS insistence on avoiding external libraries, and allows it to take advantage of stable, fast, and mature open source alternatives. This is already paying dividends in compatibility and speed, and is likely to lead further towards a usable everyday browser as time goes by.

As the world of fully-featured web browser engines has contracted from a number of different projects to little more than Google’s Blink and Mozilla’s Gecko, Ladybird has found itself in an unexpected position. It is vital that the browser market retains some competition and does not become a Google monoculture, so while it might not seem so at first glance, the news of Ladybird going alone has the potential to be one of the most far-reaching open source stories of the year.

If you’d like to try Ladybird you’ll have to get your hands slightly dirty and build it yourself, but we’d expect ready-built versions to appear in due course. We took a look at an earlier version of Ladybird last year, as well as SerenityOS itself.

13 thoughts on “Fork! Ladybird Browser And SerenityOS To Go Separate Ways

  1. A browser that isn’t based on Chrome, WebKit, or Firefox? Noice. Midori was my preferred alternate browser / bootable USB browser for years but it’s taking a turn now. This is pretty exciting and I’ll start using it on Linux once it’s packaged.

    1. So, is it how morons harass today?

      They create something against the rules set up by the author (and probably other contributors) and ask him/her to merge them. If he/she refuses, they now bash it online and cross link everywhere in the hope it’ll bring shame and dishonor on the author.

      You want to know better?

      I didn’t care about the rules at first, but from your behavior, I’m clearly standing with the author’s point of view. The shame you wanted to inject onto the author’s fame is just abject and completely spread on your own (dis)honor. Your process is awful, it’s the same process that was used by far right extremist in the previous century.

      I hope you’ll just feel ashamed for using such vile ploy, it doesn’t help your cause, at all.

      If you don’t like the rules, don’t play. Don’t try to break something because you’re so arrogant to accept that his/her rules isn’t yours.

      1. Are you serious? How is this “ideologically motivated”? Do you (and this project owners) get triggered at the mere sight of a gender neutral “they”?

        Not to mention, that “rule” was added half a year after the PR was rejected. PR made in May 2021, modified to add that in Dec 2021. I guess basic fact checking is too ideologically motivated as well.

      2. You got it backwards. A person pushed a simple PR replacing a “he” with a “they”, which the main Ladybird dev closed with a “your personal politics aren’t welcome here”, *then* added the verbiage about ideology in
        Also, I don’t think including the other 50% of earth’s population in some FOSS project documentation should be a “cause”, political or controversial – but I guess that’s too woke for you.

      3. Normal people wouldn’t assume the user is always a male, and using a gender neutral text isn’t something revolutionary.
        That Kling refused this is enough for me to conclude he isn’t someone I have an interest in.
        Now get lost you sick refuse. :)

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